Chapter 4

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"I thought you were still in prison," I say, fighting the urge to puke again.

"Oh I was, until two years ago. I've gotta say, I was very upset to hear you'd skipped town. Did I mean that much to you? You didn't want to stick around if daddy didn't?"

"Shut up," I bark.

"Ooo... someone's got a temper. I like it." He licks his lips and clears the space between us, getting right in my face.

"Wouldn't you like to see what I want to do to you right now?" he says. His face smug.

"Get the hell away from me." I shove him back and he laughs.

"You always did like it rough didn't you. Or did you make it difficult by accident?" he gives me a sly smile.

"I came here to work, not to talk about the past. Where were you March twenty second?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"You either give me your alibis or I'll take you in for-"

"For what? Refusing to answer your questions without a lawyer?"

"But would a man like you even be able to acquire a lawyer?"

He scowls at me.

"Where were you March twenty second?"

"The club," he says.

"What about April third?"

"Also the club."

"And three days ago?"

"Take a wild guess."

I roll my eyes. "Who can confirm your whereabouts?"

"The security camera at the front door. And I'm sure if you remember correctly, they've got none anywhere else."

"Ahmm, and if I look at the footage will I ever see you leave?"

"Aw sweetheart. It's a shame you don't remember. Maybe if you'd stuck around things would be a bit different."

"Answer the damn question..." I say, my voice low.

"Camera cuts out after three in the morning. Just so happens they don't throw out the drunks until afterwards."

"So who was on shift. I'm sure they'd remember your face?"

"Nope. Do you have any idea how many drunks there are after closing? Add that between the dim lights, I'm sure no one could even confirm I was there. But photos, don't lie."

He wiggles his eyebrows and the sick feeling takes over me again, although I push it down. Compartmentalism is one of my special gifts, and I've gotten really good at hiding my true feelings over the past few years.

"Where are the kids?" I ask, and he freezes.

"Now baby... I don't do boys, I thought you knew that? Or have you forgotten?" He takes a slow step towards me but I stand my ground.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh really? Will this remind you?" He lunges at me, grabbing my right breast. I swing my fist and punch him in the face. He reels back.

"YOU BITCH!" He yells before throwing himself at me with a war cry.

We both go flying to the ground. Me on my back and him on top of me.

He wraps a hand around my throat. I claw at his fingers as his grip tightens. I weakly hit him in the face with my left, but it's enough to distract him and switch positions. I land a punch to his nose, but he easily rolls over again, seeing as to how he's four inches taller and almost twice my size.

He grabs my shoulders and bashed me into the ground. My head spinning, he stands off of me, dragging me up by my hair.

"RAY!" I scream. But that only causes him to pull harder.

"You don't call me that you little twit. You are mine and you will call me appropriately."

He grabs my gun and takes two steps back.

"DAD NO!" I yell. I kick my foot in the air, sending the gun flying behind us before I kick him in the face. I turn and sprint towards where my gun dropped but he's on me in a flash, shoving me from behind. A yelp escapes my throat.

The gun is out of reach.

He grips the back of my head and bashes it into the ground. Face first, I feel my nose crack. He roughly grabs the waist of my jeans and yanks, but I grab his arms to stop him.

He grips my left forearm and wrenches it behind my back. I scream out in pain. So loud and so sudden that my throat is raw within seconds.

"I control you, not the other way around." He flips me over before resuming what he'd attempted to do before. But with one punch to my face I fall helpless. Laying in the grass, broken, as he does as he pleases.


I have no idea how long it's been. Only that he left me here, and I've been unable to move. A burning feeling roams throughout my entire body.

The sound of tires driving by stops me from letting my eyes succumb to the heavy burden of rest. A door slams open and closed.

"ELEANOR!" The person yells, and pounding footsteps run over to me. Spencer's face pops up above my own as he runs a hand down the side of my face.

"Elle," another man says. And through the corner of my eye I see Morgan kneeling beside me.

"What the hell happened- are you okay? No, of course your not okay, your nose is bleeding and you're on the ground-"

"Spence," I whisper. His eyes dart to mine, worry etched in his face.

"I'm fine. Just help me up..."

Him and Morgan bring me to a standing and I look down at myself. The button on my jeans was crudely sewn on which tells me he did it himself, but also that he had the time.

"It's been two hours," Reid says, having somehow read my mind.

I laugh abruptly. "He always knew how to clean up his messes... take me to the market."

"The market? Kid, no way," Morgan says.

"Take me to the market!" I say more forcefully, and they carry me to the car without another word.


When we get there I pass Morgan a five dollar bill. "Tell Marty it's a special for Eleanor. He'll understand."

He's about to say something, and I know he wants to give me a lecture about how right now isn't the time for a snack, but I wave him off and he runs into the store.

"What happened? What did Raymond do to you?" Reid asks.

"No," I say. "Not right now."

He grunts, and I raise a brow. "If anyone has the right to be pissed right now, it's me. So chill out."

A few moments pass. And every moment was spent me resting my eyes while I feel Spencer's gaze burn a hole in the side of my head.

The passenger door opens and I crack my eyes. Morgan's eyes are wide as he holds up the bottle.

"Plan B?" He asks, astonished. "What the hell did he do to you, kid?"

I don't answer him. I just take the bottle out of his hand and swallow one dry.

"Let's just go back to the station. Miller used to be a nurse," I say.

Morgan gets back in the drivers seat and pulls onto the road, meanwhile Reid places a reassuring hand on my shoulder from the backseat.

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