Chapter 15

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I startle awake at the sound of an alarm, and Spencer lazily reaches an arm over me to grab the phone.

I look up at him and smile. He grins at me as he lifts his other hand from his secured place on my hip to brush a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Hey," he says in a husky voice

"Hey..." I say in almost a whisper. Unable to form words.

"It's been an hour and a half, we should probably get back to the station."

"Yeah I guess..."

We both lay here for a minute longer before sitting up in unison.

The blanket falls free, exposing his toned and lean torso. I let my eyes linger, purposely so that he'd notice, and when he does he blushes.

Without a word I stand and pull on a pair of khakis. Exchanging my black long sleeve for a white tee.

Spencer puts his button up back on as he brushes his hair out of his face.

I glance at him one last time before quickly brushing my teeth once more. As I step out of the bathroom Spencer is already standing at the door, a reassuring smile on his face because we both know who sits waiting at the station. I walk to the door hesitantly and we leave for the police department.


We pull up outside and I take a deep breath before leaving the car.

Spencer walks a pace behind me as I walk the steps to the station, but as I enter the bullpen I feel my body go numb, and everything else blurs out. I walk absentmindedly towards the glass room. The blinds have been reopened, and I can see the team inside.

I walk in with a smile on my face.

"Hey. Have you gotten anything?"

"Sadly no," Emily says. "He only said that he wasn't going to betray a friend. And then he stopped talking. He hasn't said a word since."

"We even asked him if he wanted a damn lawyer and he didn't say anything," Morgan adds, a scowl set firmly on his face.

"He wouldn't be able to get a lawyer."

"Why?" JJ asks with a perplexed face.

"Well if you wanted to call someone in from out of town for him you could, as long as it's pro bono or whatever. But if you tried to get one here? We have... six defendants in town. If I remember correctly. And they would all decline the offer to stand by that mans side, no matter how much you offered to pay them. This town is like one big family. You hurt one person, you hurt all five hundred. And people don't like to deal with that shit. Everybody knows what Raymond did. And everybody hates him for it. I'm surprised he even dared to come back here after prison."

The others are silent as they take in the information.

"Well that explains a lot, I guess," Morgan says. His tone still slightly angered.

"Well, our only priority right now is finding the other UNSUB. We already have Ray, but if he's not going to tell us then we have to find out another way. We should get Garcia to check his phone records. Maybe that'll tell us something," I say.

Hotch nods, as he picks up his phone.

"Hey my sugar sweets. Give me something useful to do, I'm feeling like a drowning fish over here, so bored."

"Fish can't drown-" Spencer begins but I wave him off.

"Garcia, we need you to pull Raymond's phone records. See who he's called in the past three or four months."

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