Chapter 7

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I stumble back. Spencer stands in the doorway and my eyes widen. "Reid!" I yell, backing towards the bed.

He looks at me confused before he renders my state of undress and his eyes go wide as well. He quickly shuts his eyes, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry! I should've just waited, but I thought you'd just shut the door on me and I wanted to talk so I-I-I," he stutters, and for some reason the sound sends a blush into my cheeks.

"Spence!" I interrupt. "It's fine, just... don't look, I'm gonna get dressed in the bathroom."


I grab my clothes and rush into the other room, shutting the door. I quickly throw on my black yoga pants and grey sweatshirt and step back out. My hair rapidly soaking my shoulders. I grab a small towel and begin squeezing it dry.

"Okay, you can open your eyes," I say, a brow raised to the fact he hadn't already uncovered his face.

He peaks between two fingers before lowering his hands. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, his grey sweater vest bunching in the front.

"Elle, I'm so sorry-"

"Spence, it's fine. Stop apologizing."

He nods his head sharply and takes a breath, looking me up and down. His face turns bright red as he rubs the back of his neck nervously, clearing his throat.

"I-uh I..."

"You came to talk to me?" I prompt.

"Yes, yes," he says, blinking hard to try and refocus his mind.

"Now, is that talk, or ask if I'm fine?"

He looks me in the eye and opens his mouth, but no words come.

I nod, having expected this reaction.

"Not just that," he provides. "But of course, you would've just said you were fine either way. So I-"

He diverts his eyes. Refusing to make contact with mine.

"Why-why'd you punch her? I mean, that's the girl that stopped us at the corner wasn't it? Who is she?"

I bite my lip, not wanting to answer. But the earnest in his eyes is compelling.

"She's my sister. Rachael. We just got into a fight, it'll be fine-"

"You punched her. And everything will just be fine?" He asks, unbelieving.

"Well maybe not for her, but for me? Yes."

"Well, you're not the one who got punched," he laughs silently, smoothing his wavy brown hair out of his face.

"So? You didn't hear what she said..." I mutter.

"What did she say?" He asks.

"It's not important. Point is, I'm fine, I always have been fine, and always will be fine. You don't need to worry anymore."

"But that's impossible," he says so in a whisper and I can't be certain I'd heard the words at all.

"What?" I ask, and he becomes flustered.

"Nothing, nothing, I didn't say anything."

I narrow my eyes at him skeptically but decide to move on.

"So... what does Hotch want us to do next?"

"Oh, um, he wants everyone to go for a walk around town and see what information we can get from other people."

I nod. "Hey, have they found my-" I cut off before I say the word dad, and clear my throat.
"Have they found Raymond, yet?"

"Oh, about that... apparently somebody saw him leaving town this morning, approximately seven hours, ten minutes and forty one seconds ago. Which puts his departure at 9:20am, and you got there at around 7:45am, which gave him an hour and thirty five minutes to... ya know, and then flee the town. Nobody knows where he went after that, but Hotch set up a search for his car and license plate. Everyone in the cities near here will be looking for him."

He says all of this without looking at me.

"Alright, well, let's go."

I grip his shoulder and lightly push him out of the room, me following behind to lock the door.

"I-I'm sorry, again for-"

"Spence!" I say, exasperated. "It's okay. It's not like I was completely naked."

Instantly he starts blushing again, but I don't know why, and I feel stupid for not understanding.

I place my hand on his arm and rub reassuringly before we start walking down the hall, and out of the hotel.

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