Chapter 8

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By 6:00 we all return to the station. Not much was found out. None of the kids' families had any apparent enemies, and apparently John Cryer and Samantha Klone had a fight over a bag of apples last week. Nothing of use.

One thing we have decided to do, is search any and all abandoned properties in the town, which surprisingly is very many. Ranging from old houses to crippling supermarkets.

We've gotten through eight of twenty of the abandoned properties, and the sun has long ago begun to set. A darkness takes over the town, and it's only 8:11pm. As our last stop, we park outside of an abandoned factory on the other side of town.

We all exit our vehicles, guns and flashlights at the ready. Rossi, Prentiss and JJ go around back to look for any outer buildings or bomb shelters, meanwhile the rest of us walk up to the front door in pairs. Hotch with Morgan, and me with Reid.

All the windows are boarded up, making it impossible to see inside, so we stand silent at the door, listening for any sounds. When we hear nothing Hotch kicks the door in. The rotting wood breaking instantly. We quickly rush in and search, room by room, but they all end in one of us yelling "clear!"

In the end the seven of us meet out front again.

"Alright. We'll resume searching properties tomorrow. I already have Garcia searching for absolutely everything she can get on Raymond Grace. If I hear anything of importance I'll round us all up and we'll head back to the station, but for now you can all head back to the hotel," Hotch says.

We all split ways into our vehicles again. Me and Emily walk towards ours and she elbows me lightly in the side.

"What's going on between you and Reid?"

I look over at her sharply. "What do you mean?"

"Well he can barely look at you, there's no way you didnt notice."

"Oh... well he kind of... walked in on me naked," I whisper to her and she gasps playfully.

"He did not, no way!"

"It's not really an ahah! moment Emily?"

"Oh come on. Seriously? You're still denying it?"

"Denying what?"

"Your feelings! You have no idea how many times I've caught you staring at him, there's no way you don't like him."

I blink a few times. "N-no," I stutter as we hop into the SUV. "I don't h-have-"

"Oh quit it."

Out of all the females on the team, me and Emily are the closest. Because in the end, we just understand each other the best.

"I don't have feelings," I say.

"Liar," she squeals. "And he likes you too! Aw, he's always watching you as you read or when you sleep, always making sure you're okay. You have to see that?"

I laugh. "Spencer Reid, have feelings for me? No way..." and yet? A small feeling of hope flutters in my chest, but I don't know why.

"Ooo, you're blushing! Just admit it."

"I will admit nothing," I say, and I give her a look that tells her to drop the topic.

"Alright alright. Well, we never got a chance to talk after everything that happened today. You punched your sister? I mean," she laughs. "I've gotta say, I knew you'd show a burst of emotion at some point, I just didn't think it'd be like that."

I shake my head, sighing. "She said something she shouldn't have."

"Like what?" She asks, turning away from the road to look at me.

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