Good Morning by Kanye West

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Stephanie's POV

In no time three weeks have passed and it is now time for me to leave for Navy boot camp. I pick up my gym bag that is stuffed with hoodies, jeans, and gym shorts then walk towards my bedroom door. I take my phone from my back pocket before shooting one final text to Lucilia telling her that I'll be leaving for boot camp, so I won't be able to contact her and that I hope she is having fun in college. I put my phone in the gym bag and zip it back up then proceed to walk down the stairs.

As soon as my feet hit the last step I am hit with the sound of my mom's sobbing and my dad's soothing voice trying to console her. My feet guide me to the source of the sound and I see my mom looking like she has not gotten a wink of sleep. I walk up to her and pull her into a tight hug before also trying to comfort her with my words.

"Mom it's ok, I'll be home in seven weeks. plus I'm not actually going to war yet I'm just getting practice for if I ever  need to."

"I know honey, it's just I'm going to miss you, you've never been away from home for this long," she replies

"Well it was going to happen someday we can't keep her sheltered her whole life." my dad says

"plus didn't you say, you didn't want me to stay with you for the rest of my life or for me to become a deadbeat." I quote the words she told me three weeks ago when I told her I was going to the Navy.

Hearing this her mood seems to get a little better and she rises from the couch.

"Alright, alright  I know what I said, so when is your flight," she says while wiping the tears from her face.

"My flight is at 6 am and it is currently 5:30, so we have to leave now because the airport is like twenty minutes away" I reply after looking at my phone.

"and where are you going again"

"I will be going to Illinois," I say

"Alright well let's hit the road, I don't want you to miss your flight," my mom says as she and my dad put on their house shoes that were sitting by the front door.

We walk out the front door, me and my mom continuing to walk towards the truck while my dad stays back and lock the front door. I put my duffel bag in the seat next to me then close my eyes to catch up on some of the sleep that I lost from worrying so much last night.

"Stephanie, Stephanie"

I am woken up by the sound of my name being called and a hand shaking my shoulder.

"We're here honey," my mom says as she helps me out the truck.

I reach back into the truck to grab my gym bag once my feet are steady on the ground, once It is in my grasp I bring my hand back towards my chest then slam the door close. I put the duffel bag straps over my shoulder then proceed to walk toward my parents to hug them.

After I have hugged and said my goodbyes to my parents I begin to walk towards the airport entrance. I take out my plane ticket to see which flight I will be catching. After reading over the ticket and locating my flight number I then start to walk towards the gates where the plane is located. I board the plane and sit into the seat number that is listed on my ticket after putting my duffel bag in the cubby above my head. Soon the plane seats are filled and the pilot is telling us to buckle up and that we'll reach our destination shortly. I look at the tv that is placed in the headrest of the seat in front of me and notice that Supernatural is on.

I scoot my butt down in the chair and proceed to get comfortable for the ten-hour flight. Starting on episode one of season one, I know the exact season and episode because I have watched it more than a hundred times, I make it to episode four before falling asleep.

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