Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People

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Stephanie's POV

So far I have survived three weeks of this place they call Navy boot camp, a place where you go to get phsically and mentally ready for your service in the Navy, and in these three weeks I have learned  that there is no such thing as "Navy boot camp" it is front for a camp that makes you excercise to death and then send you home if you do happen to die from exercising. How are you going to send a half dead person home, so rude.

At the beginning, when we first got here there was more than a hundred people signed up for death camp but now there is less than sixty people left including myself. I sometimes get astonished at my own ability to survive at something I suck at so bad and hate so much, I wonder what made me want to do something that I know I hate, I mean who loves to exercise for a living. Ah now I remember Call-of-Duty. I curse you call of duty for looking so cool and making me fall in love with your ways. Wait I also curse my dad for not telling me how hard it was going to be, he knows I hate exercising even more than I hate when he puts pineapples on a pizza.

Sometimes I do feel like I should give up, it would be a relief, a boulder off my shoulder, a hand pulling me up from the depths of hell, to give up and go home. But then I have to remember how everyone at home is rooting for me and by everyone I mean my family and Lucilia, I don't know a lot of people so in order to trick my mind into pushing on through this torture I have to convince it that there is a whole continent of people cheering it on.I know, I know my mind is such an attention whore.

Only four more weeks then I can graduate, I hope the Navy isn't as bad as this, I feel like I should ask someone but then I feel like their opinion is biased. Guess I'll just have to try and survive these last few weeks so I can see how it is myself. As this thought crosses my head  a loud alarm sound comes blaring into my ear, I look up at the clock and note the time, 3:30 am, why would we be getting up this early you ask, oh what a great question. Well here's the answer, To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late is unacceptable. Military time kinda reminds me of my mom, she always like to do shit early, One time we had a christmas party to attend that started at 8'o clock and I kid you not this lady literally made me get dressed at 3'o clock and we left the house at 4. She did the same thing with my school alarm every day, every damn day I would set my alarm for 5'o clock because I had to be at school at 7'o clock and every day, every damn day I would magically wake up to my alarm blaring at  4'o clock in the damn morning, who needs that long to get dressed.

I put my shoes on my feet then make my way from the barracks, you might be wondering why the alarm is blaring now and why it didn't blare the day that I first got here, well as you know we have a seven week plan for Navy boot camp aka death camp, the first week we didn't need the alarm as it was basically a strictly exercise week, the second week was the same thing but we also learned about the Navy's core values and we learned the general orders, basically we went to school. However with addition to exercising and also going to school we added learning to be a firefighter to the mix, hence why we have the alarm blaring. We are learning firefighting because every Naval Officer is required to be a firefighter along with knowing CPR, martial arts, marksmanship and a ton of stuff that you won't need unless you want to pursue a career in a field that requires a lot of danger like a security guard or a policeman.It is now Wednesday so we have been practicing firefighting for the last two days.

My feet take me to the fireproof room where they usually have us practice fighting fires.Once I get there I walk over and stand next to Bailey, in the last three weeks we have gotten closer. It's a good thing that she does a lot of the talking because I don't think I've gotten close enough to her to actually feel comfortable speaking my mind loke I would with Lucilia. About five minutes later the last of the recruits walk into the room and around twenty minutes later the Petty Officers walk in, I guess we've gotten the hint to arrive at least thirty minutes earlier than our superiors.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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