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After I told Hunter I would be there, the class started and ended just as quick

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After I told Hunter I would be there, the class started and ended just as quick. We went our separate ways and I met with Kai for our next class.

Throughout Maths, I repeatedly copied his notes (he said I could, calm your ass down) so I wouldn't get yelled at by Alexi.

If I could get Alexi to agree to let me go out, or Reuben, me and Hunter would meet at the skating park. Believe it or not, I was pretty good on a skateboard after a few years of practice.

I brought it with me from the old house but kept it in the closet, away from my brothers. I didn't know there was a park but here goes.

On the way home, me and the triplets talked about random things. How Wyatt was going to an insane party tonight and the other two were going with him. I found out Alexi and Reuben would be out for business but back in two days.

I text Hunter that I could get out of the house and asked where we could meet. Maybe it was a suicide mission to disobey my brothers but, might as well try.

When we finally made it back, Adrian made us dinner and Alexi took some phone calls.

"This party is going to be awesome, it's being thrown by Trevor." Wyatt rambled on about the 'highlight of the year'.

Triplets out of the house.

Evil older brother out the house.

Intimidating tattooed brother out.

Which leaves three. Adrian, Zane and Creed. I rarely talk go Adrian or Creed, so they probably wouldn't notice if I left for a few hours. I could sort something out with Zane.

"Nice. Oh, look at the time, you might aswell go right now." Zane grinned, practically pushing them out the door.

"But, it's only seven thirty." Callan stated, looking like a lost puppy.

Zane looked down at his imaginary watch and shook his head.

"No matter, off you go." He smiled.

The three of them left, leaving behind a scheming me and confused Adrian. Creed was...somewhere around the house.

Begin phase one of the plan.

"I'm going to head up to my room. I'll probably read a book or something before going to sleep." I yawned for effect.

They completely bought the lie and handed my a glass of milk to go up with. I thanked them and went to my room, plopping down on my bed as my phone lit up.

To : Victoria Hunt
From : Hunter Adamos

I'll see you at the park, its just off East 75th street. My friends insisted on coming so I guess you'll meet them.

Nice. I still have to figure a way out of the house though.

To : Hunter Adomos
From : Victoria Hunt

Alright, I'll be there in 20.

Now then.

I paced around my room, trying to figure a way out without being caught, cause ultimately, it wouldn't be good if I was.

Eventually, after a minute or so of brainstorming, I decided to climb over the balcony.

Smart, I know.

Taking the board from the closet, I walked out the doors.

If I jumped, I would be able to make it. After closing the double doors, I lifted myself over the banister and stood on the ledge. Checking there was no one around, I readied myself for the fall.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale-



I let go of the railing, falling through the air as I closed my eyes. Surely my back was going to take a few bruises. I waited for the impact but it never came.

I opened my eyes, looking back at the deep brown eyes above me.

"Creed?" I asked.

"No shit." He replied.

I rolled my eyes and put my feet firmly on the ground. I folded my arms, staring him into submission.

Unfortunately, a good few minutes passed and he didn't back down.

"Fine, fine. I'm meeting Hunter at the skating park. Please let me go and don't tell anyone."



"I'm coming with you."

"What? No."

"Do you want to go or not?"


I groaned, trailing behind Creed as he put a code in to open the gate. Guards surrounded the place and I realised I probably wouldn't have made it out on my own anyway.

Creed didn't hesitate to let me know that and we made our way down the streets. He decided on not taking the car because Zane and Adrian would ask questions.

We made it there in one piece and I saw Hunter talking to two people. I recognised one of them as Rowan, the guy I met the other day and another. The next was concealed in the dark though.

As I got closer, Creed texted someone on his phone and Hunter noticed me.

"Tori." He waved me over.

I smiled, walking up to them just as the guy from the darkness walked out.




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