twenty nine

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A call from Alexi made me pull over and I answered it, what would he need to talk to me about?

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A call from Alexi made me pull over and I answered it, what would he need to talk to me about?

"What the fuck were you thinking you idiot?" The venom in his words made me frown and roll my eyes.

"I was thinking that you interrupted me from driving home." I replied sarcastically. I heard him sigh on the other end of the line.

"They took Victoria."

My eyes widened slightly and anger completely took over my features,"What the fuck do you mean they took her?" I seethed.

"The coffee shop that you dropped her off at before, Hunter fucking Alvaro and someone else took her. They wouldn't have known if someone that works with us didn't tell them. We have a rat." Alexi explained, annoyance dripping from his tone.

I swung the car door open, stepping outside and pacing,"She said she was meeting with Hunter, Rowan and- it was Conan, it was fucking Conan." I shouted into the phone once I realised.

"Fuck, Conan hasn't been back since he left the casino. He's with them right now." Alexi stated knowingly and I sat back in the car, hitting the steering wheel and muttering a course of curses.

"You already have people looking right, what about Blaze?" I asked after a minute and Alexi chuckled humorlessly.

"Blaze? We're not getting much help from him for a while, he's turning the place inside out. We're going to need a new kitchen door and I've already been punched five times for 'not taking enough care'." I could almost see him rolling his eyes,"But yes, I have everyone looking and researching where she could have been taken to. Checking security cameras but there's nothing." He sighed.

Great. The boss of the American mafia has let out his rage. More shit to deal with.

"I'm on my way." I answered before hanging up and shutting the car door before continuing to drive home with a tight grip on the wheel.


I pushed Alexi's office door open to see all my brother's, Blaze, Nikolai and Vladimir standing around the table where all our meetings take place.

"Damon, we know who else is involved with the Blades." Alexi stated and I nodded for him to continue.

"Victoria's friend, Colt. More importantly I recieved a call." He continued and I folded my arms over my chest.

"And?" I asked.

"It was Matteo. He said they weren't letting her go, not even for money, files or anything." He gripped the edge of the table tightly.

"We should've killed him when we had the chance." Vladimir cut in and we all nodded.

"I swear if they touch one hair on her head I will rip them apart." Blaze seethed, with an expression that told me he was barely keeping his anger in check.

"We need help to find her." Rueben muttered, annoyed that we couldn't do it ourselves.

"We can't ask Ace. His sister just got out of a year coma and one of his brothers was killed. Call Ares Clemonte." Blaze ordered and Nikolai was about to ring him as Wyatt spoke.

"The Clemontes? They're fucking ruthless." Wyatt shuddered.

We all rolled our eyes before Vladimir spoke,"It doesn't matter, they owe us one for erasing the psycho one's identity."

"We didn't even need to, Atlas is a fucking ghost anyway. No one has seen him in years. Now fucking call Ares." Blaze stated, losing his patience.

Nikolai nodded, putting the call on speaker so we could all listen.

"What the fuck do you idiots want?" Classic Ares.

Blaze placed his hands on the table, leaning over with an irritated sigh.

"I need your help to find my- I mean the Hunts little sister, she was took by the Blades gang." I narrowed my eyes at Blaze when he rearranged his sentance.

Ares paused for a moment,"Fine. Only because you helped erase my brother's identity from the earth." He sighed and Blaze smirked.

"We'll be in touch." With that, the call ended and everyone turned to Blaze with narrowed eyes.

He narrowed his own back at us, the look silently reminding us that he was in charge and could easily kill us if he really wanted to. The rest lowered their heads apart from me and Alexi.

"My.." I trailed off, waiting for him to finish.

He didn't waste a second in replying,"My...none of your business. Focus on finding Victoria." He left the room soon after and we all huffed in annoyance.

"If only I could strangle him." I muttered under my breath causing Wyatt next to me to chuckle.

Alexi and Vladimir talked us through what we would do next and the reality finally settled in. They took my sister because I was stupid enough to leave her with the enemy.

What the fuck was I thinking?

I should've known better. I should've done what I originally planned from when Alexi told us she was returning. I never should have let myself get close to her, because now she was gone again.

If I have to be the worst version of myself again to keep her safe, I will be.

"We know what you're thinking." I turned around to see Wyatt and Callan.

"Fuck off. You can't read my mind just because we're triplets." I stated just as the double glass doors of our building opened. There was a change in the air and I sighed.

"How the hell did you get here so fast?" I asked and Ares shrugged.

"Alexi is in his office." Callan stated, trying to hold back the slight caution in his tone. The rest of my brothers need to grow the fuck up.

Both Ares and Apollo left leaving us with the last three of the three Clemonte siblings.

Wyatt was almost jumping in happiness at Helios' presence and they both wandered off to probably try a weird way of finding my sister.

Callan was already gone which left me alone with the most violent ones. Typhon didn't say anything, rather staring into space and Eros just looked furious with life itself.

I quickly followed after Callan not wanting to converse.

I had to find my sister and I could only hope she was okay wherever she was and knew we were coming to find her.

One thing was for sure though.

When I found Hunter Alvaro he'd wish he was never born.

A chapter from Damon's pov. This was just mostly a filler chapter to help you understand what the brothers felt about Victoria being taken.

If you want to know who the Clemonte brothers are, make sure to check out my newest book :)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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