twenty two

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The rest of the day we didn't do much

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The rest of the day we didn't do much. My brothers, did, in fact, have a good few beers and we all had dinner together but Alexi insisted I was go go to sleep early for school. And after the 'Blaze King' events, the rest of them agreed with him.

I woke up at around half seven to have a shower and get dressed into my uniform. After brushing my teeth shortly after, I made my way downstairs for breakfast.

Vladimir, Nikolai and Joziah were already seated after having stayed the night in the guest rooms. Throughout the night I had heard Vlad and Alexi arguing but I chose to let them have it out.

"Finally awake?" Callan questions with a smile and I roll my eyes playfully.

"No, of course not, I'm sleepwalking." I take a seat and he mimics my eye roll.

We eat our breakfast before Alexi speaks up, "Victoria don't forget from today Joziah will be starting at your school. For extra measure Vladimir has enrolled Nikolai aswell." He explains and my eyes widen in annoyance.

"So now Nikolai will be there aswell, no offense Nik." I say, holding my hands up in surrender toward him.

"Non taken." He shoves a piece of pancake into his mouth.

"Yes." Alexi confirms.

I guess I should've known considering Nikolai was in the school uniform, "Right, let's go." He says, plucking some keys from his pocket.

"You're driving? Not Damon?" I question with a grin.

"Mhm." He mumbles and Damon sends me a weird look.

"You drive too violently." I shrug and he replies with a 'whatever'.

We all climb into a Nikolai's car which was silver bentley and he drives much more safely than Damon's constant skidding when he took us. Callan listens to music while me and Wyatt play rock paper scissors for who gets an extra cookie at lunch. Joziah is silent, seeming to be lost in his thoughts.

Damon continues glaring at Nikolai, seemingly not over the whole telling me everything and Nikolai only sends him smug grin once in a while.

By the time we make it to school Damon has already slapped Nikolai upside the head three times and Nikolai has retaliated by replaying exactly what he told me yesterday.

Once I see Grace, Colt and Kai chatting by the school doors I leave my brothers to argue amongst themselves and walk up to them.

"Victoria!" Grace exclaims happily, wrapping my in a hug, "I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks." She backs away.

"It's been a weekend." I grin and say my hellos to Kai and Colt.

I feel someone standing behind me and turn to see Nikolai who only sends me a smile and says,"Weekend events are better left not told to anyone." He whispers so only I can hear.

I nod and he walks away with Joziah, only stopping a small distance away.

"Who was that?" Colt asks, motioning the the both of them.

"Family friends." I answer shortly. He gives me a look of disbelief but doesn't push the subject further as the bell rings and we make our way to our own classes.

My first class is maths with Grace and now supposedly Joziah as he sits down on the opposite side of the room. I thought we were getting along well at first, maybe not.

"Before we begin this lesson," our teacher starts,"I will inform you we have this years dance coming up tomorrow. I'm sure you're all very excited to choose who you go with but do remember, you aren't seniors and there will be no dancing of, that kind." He finishes and multiple rounds of laughter are heard around the room.

Grace turns to me with a wide grin and I ask what is. She explains it rather thoroughly.

"We have one every year. It's like senior prom and homecoming but at the same time, not. It doesn't last as long and no one really goes all out for it, but it is one of the best times of the year if you have someone to go with. Plus it's halfway through the school year, not the end." She explains with a never dimming sunshine grin.

"Oh," I pause,"Consider me staying at home because I have only me myself and I." I smile in amusement.

"No! You can't stay at home, I would invite you to come with me but I'm going with Kai. Could you maybe go with Colt, I think he likes you." She says and my eyes widen in happiness and shock.

"You're going with Kai? That's awesome! But I only think of Colt as friend." I explain and she nods sadly.

"You should tell him, before he gets his hopes up. I've seen this happen before and he got super mad at the girl for leading him on." She warns and I sigh, leaning back in my chair.

"Great, now I have one of my very few friends to let down." I mutter. She smiles at me with remorse.

"Can we not just go as friends?" I ask her. She shakes her head is disagreement, "No. Anyone else, probably but I can see Colt likes you and he'll think your relationship is more than platonic if you do." She informs.

I nod just as everyone else's chatter dies down and the teacher begins talking about identities. The information never really stuck as I was wondering why Joziah was ignoring me. Sure we didn't know eachother that well, but I thought we had a nice conversation at the event, before that woman was killed.

The lesson ends as quick as it began with my overthinking and I follow out side by side with Grace. I look around for someone to talk to when she leaves to find Kai and smile when I see Rowan.

I jog over and he smiles widely at me,"I thought your brothers had killed you." He states, messing my hair up to which I glare at him.

"Did you call Greyson?" I raise an amused brow and he rolls his eyes.

"Of course I did, we already have date night worked out." He grins and I form an 'O' shape with my mouth.

"Really?" I question and he nods.

"He's like five years older than you." I explain and Rowan tuts, walking with me to the next class we share together.

"Age is just a number Tori, I know you still have his card anyway. Also, who are you going with to the dance that I see no point to other than the food?" He asks and I laugh.

"I'm afraid Grace won't let me just stay at home like I planned so I might be riding solo tomorrow night." I explain and he looks down at me with a shocked expression.

"Of course you can't stay at home. How about the one that's been following us for the past three minutes?" He asks and I spin around to see Joziah do the exact same thing only go head first into someone's locker door.

I quickly walk over, placing a hand on his shoulder to turn him around, "Are you ok?" I ask. He nods with a mumble of pain.

The person who opened their locker onto his face swiftly walks away muttering something about being a dumbass.

I go back to Rowan after double checking who only grins without saying anything to me the rest of the way to class.

So now on my agenda I had to tell one of the first friends I made here we were simply that and I had to find someone to go to, the dance with tomorrow.

There was no way I would be aloud to stay at home with my brothers after Grace and Rowan's persistence I not do so, but, as long I got to eat the refreshments what could go wrong?

This was kind of a filler chapter but be prepared for an either really sweet or eventful chapter next!

Who do you think Victoria will be going with?

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