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Darkness was the only thing I could see, outlines of figures standing over me

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Darkness was the only thing I could see, outlines of figures standing over me. I felt lightheaded, like my body could just collapse and minute and I wouldn't have the energy to pick myself up.

I heard distant voices and forced my eyes open. A light blinded me and my head dropped slightly. There was silence for a minute before I felt a cold sensation on my skin and I was wide awake this time.

I coughed at the water that entered my mouth, trying to reach my throat with my hands but they were tied together by something.

Soon enough I recalled the events in my head. My brother dropped me off at the cafe with Rowan, Hunter and Conan. Rowan had to leave early because his sister needed help with something. Then- no. No no shit.

I lifted my head gradually, shaking at the freezing cold water that was just tipped on me.

My eyes adjusted and I could now clearly see both Hunter and Conan standing over me. Behind them, further to the back of the room I saw Colt- wait what? Why would he help them in this?

"Victoria, you're finally awake. How are you doing?" Hunter asked gleefully.

I didn't waste a second in replying,"How do you think I'm doing you fucking asshole?" I sneered at him.

He only frowned disapprovingly before my head whipped to the side and a burning feeling spread across my cheek.

I looked up at Conan who shrugged, retracting his hand and walking over the door before leaving and locking it behind him.

Hunter crouched down next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder with a sad smile.

"Don't touch me." I scowled at him. He settled for folding his arms and sighed.

"Look, this can all be over soon. If you give us the information we need, then you can be at home like nothing ever happened." He informed and I rolled my eyes.

"What information would you be needing today?" I asked sarcastically and he just sighed in defeat again.

"About your brothers. I know you know what they do and I also know that you have talked to Blaze King multiple times. We want information about the mafia." He stated with a now hopeful smile.

"Of course." I smiled back happily at him.

"Really?" He asked, his smile never dropping.

I rolled my eyes again,"No, you absolute idiot. Even if I actually knew about the mafia I wouldn't tell you. You're just stupid if I think I would ever betray my family and friends." I stated.

He stood up, beginning to pace,"So you don't actually know anything?" He asked.

"No." I replied.

He kicked the table towards the side of the room angrily before turning to Colt,"Just make sure she doesn't die from hypothermia." With that, he left the room.

Colt walked behind me and I felt the binding my hands were in being cut. Before I could even make a move to run though, he grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me up.

He didn't say anything as he unlocked the door and walked me through the dark hallways. There was nothing but more doors that could show me where I was.

Colt opened one of the many, random doors and pushed me inside.

"Have a shower, there's clothes on the side." He didn't say anything else, shutting the door and probably standing right in front of it.

I turned the shower on before looking around the room for some kind of weapon to use. But to no avail, there was simply a shower, sink and toilet. There wasn't even any windows to escape from.

I sighed. Even though there was nothing to help me I could at least not die from hypothermia. I peeled the wet clothes off me, standing in the shower and letting the warm water return my temperature to normal.

I continued to check every few seconds that he wouldn't open the door and huffed when there was no shampoo bottles or something. They really thought I could knock one of them out with a bottle.

After the quickest shower of my life, I dried off and put the clothes left on the side on.

Maybe Colt wouldn't be there and I could make a run for it. Yes. But as always, life wasn't on my side and he was just waiting.

As soon as I opened the door he grabbed my upper arm, pulling me back the way we came and pushed me into the same room again. My hands were tied again, even after incessant struggling and Conan entered the room again.

Colt left immediately after, not sparing me a glance and locked the door behind him while Conan just stood a few feet in front of me.

"I know you know something about what your brothers do and what Blaze does. So tell me and this can all be over." He stated, his voice monotone.

"But see, I don't actually know anything so I can't help you." It wasn't exactly a lie. I only knew what they were a part of and that they ran some casinos.

"Fine then." He replied and I thought he would just leave me alone. But no.

A hard kick landed on my abdomen and I winced in pain at the familiar feeling. Another kick was directed and I couldn't stop the pained tears from reaching my eyes.

"I don't know anything Conan I swear." I sputtered out, trying to get my hands free.

"But you do. This can all stop if you just tell us." He stated.

"I know you're already in business with them, why do you need information from me when you already have it?" I questioned, breathing heavily.

"Because I don't know everything. Believe it or not they chose to only tell me that I had to keep a watch out for the Blades finding out you were back with them." He answered simply and I just looked down. How could I tell him what I didn't know much about? And he was delusional if he thought I would betray my only family.

After that, like clockwork, I was reminded of my father's beatings. Only this time the kicks were harsher and the slaps had much more power behind them.

One kick after another he asked me if I had reconsidered and I shook my head each time.

So, they kept on coming until all I could wish for was my brothers to find me or a quick death.

It's funny how life can go from horrible, to amazing and then just be right back at the start. With tears rolling down your cheeks from nothing but pain and exhaustion and with hope diminishing every second that passes.

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