Chapter 7

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As soon as her and Ron exchanged those words and Hermione was fighting back tears, Ron burst through the Hostpital Wings gigantic wooden doors. He gently layed her down on the bland bed, as Madam Pomfrey bustled over in panic.
"Oh dear, what happened here? Are you okay sweetie?" She asked in worry.
Ron glanced down at Hermione's deep brown eyes.
"Well I don't really know what caused it but she passed out in the middle of Charms. I think she'll probably need a pain potion or something." He stated.
Hermione felt as though she was looking at herself from above. As if everything was a dream. Her thoughts were jumbled together with one clear emotion. Anxiousness.
Madam Pomfrey nodded her head at Ron and then looked at Hermione.
"Miss Granger, can you tell me where it hurts?"
Hermione froze. She had a moment of time standing still but then she sighed.
"Well... just right here." She pointed at her stomach, at the cramps that had given her the worst possible day. She glanced at Ron and he was just staring intently at the scene unfolding before him. As if he were watching a movie.
Madam Pomfrey looked at Hermione with her deep worn out eyes, wrinkles spread out upon her face from age.
"Okay sweetie, just one more question for you, have you experienced your..."

Period. Well she really hadn't yet but she knew these were the symptoms. Pomfrey's eyes flitted from Ron to Hermione in a moment of question. Hermione took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"Ron. Can you please step out into the hall. Please." Ron brushed a stray strand of red hair out of his eyes and looked at her, confused.
"Oh...yeah, OK. Just....yeah. I'll be out in the hallway." After that Ron awkwardly walked out of the hospital before taking one last look at Hermione. She gave him a half smile, and then he returned it, slowly closing the door shut behind him.

Hermione Granger: CrampedWhere stories live. Discover now