chapter one

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Kageyama wasn't expecting Hinata to get sick just because he didn't have a coat on. Of course, he wouldn't have taken it if that was the case. What kind of an idiot would get a cold just from running out in the rain for a couple of minutes?

Well to be fair, it was cold out.

All he wanted to do was take his coat and make him mad, not make him ill.

But he definitely shouldn't have done that. After all, Hinata must have been tired and sweaty after the practice match they had with Nekoma last night. Plus, they must have done their new quick at least a dozen times. He was probably exhausted.

Shit. Now, he feels even worse.

He noticed Hinata was missing during their first class. Normally, he sits right next to him. But today he was nowhere to be found. He asked a couple of his classmates and no one saw him that morning.

Wow, the whole room feels different without that idiot here bouncing off the walls.

Not that he cares.

Well, at least now that he's gone, he could actually focus. That bright orange hair of his was always so distracting.

What a dumb ass. He must have just slept in.

Kageyama figured he'd try sending him a text and pulled out his phone.

"Where are you dumb ass? Class is starting soon."

"Haha, sorry. I'm not feeling well."

Kageyama grew worried.

"What do you mean you're not feeling well??" He typed out the words as quickly as possible, his concern continuing to grow for the little spiker who seemed to be completely fine last night.

"I just have a small fever. No big deal. I'll be back tomorrow!"

"So you're not coming to practice then? Damn.

Well, feel better I guess."

"Thanks Kageyama-Kun!"

Damn it.

It's his fault, isn't it? It's because he took his jacket when he was running outside. And no one should be outside in weather like that without one.

Damn it damn it damn it.

Why does he feel so guilty? He's sure Hinata's fine. He just needs some rest and he'll be fine.

Somehow, Kageyama survives half of the day, and now it's time for lunch. As he grabs his milk from the vending machine, he thinks to himself.

Who is he going to eat lunch with?

And, who's gonna spike his tosses?

That's not important anyway.

Oh well, he'll be back tomorrow. Just the rest of the day without him.

Wait. Does he actually MISS that idiot? What the hell has gotten into him?

Kageyama has started to feel something... different, lately. He's not really sure why, but when he thinks about Hinata, he actually feels happy. It's weird. Hinata's annoying and one of the dumbest people he's ever met.

But for some reason, he just can't stop thinking about him.

They do spend a lot of time together. It makes sense that they've gotten close, they're volleyball partners. Well, that's not it either. Kageyama spends a lot of time with his mom and his friends on the team. Though for some reason, Hinata is the only one who's on his mind most of the day.

That dumb, short, cute wing spiker named Hinata Shoyo.

So he might have a crush on Hinata.

He still thinks he's an idiot. But he kinda likes that about him. Whatever.

It's not like anything would ever happen. He's a guy and so is Hinata, and he's not gay.

Two guys together? Seriously?

That would be gross.

Besides, all he really needs to do is give Hinata his sets. That's what he's there for. Nothing more.

And so, Kageyama decides that it's best for his own good to just stop thinking about it.

Kageyama had lunch alone that day. He could have had lunch with some other guys on the team, but he didn't want to bother them.

After the long day at school, it was finally time to play volleyball. Kageyama made his way to change as quickly as possible.

As he walked into the clubroom, Tanaka seemed to be looking for something behind him, but then his eyes darted right back to Kageyama.

"Hey, Kageyama. So where's Hinata?"

Why is he asking him of all people? They may be friends. But definitely not the kind of friends that are together every second.

Kageyama explained how Hinata texted him that morning. "He's at home sick. He said it's just a small fever and that he'll be back by tomorrow."

As Tanaka nodded in response, Suga, overhearing the conversation, turned towards them with a frown.

"I see. Last night I saw him waiting by the bus with no jacket, he was shivering so much that I could hear his teeth chatter... I told him to put a coat on but of course, Hinata wouldn't listen."


Suga, after putting his shirt on and now ready for practice, sighed.

"Poor thing. I hope he feels better soon."

So, he was waiting outside?

Why was he doing that? There's no way Kageyama would have taken his coat from him had he known he was outside for longer than a few minutes. He figured Hinata would just wait inside with Kozume until it was time to leave!

He was about to exit the room, but Sugawara could clearly see the concerned, slightly guilty expression on Kageyama's face, and gave him a confused look.

"I... It's my fault."

Suga's eyes widened. "...What do you mean it's your fault?"

"Back at Nekoma, I kinda took his coat."

"What? Why would you do that?"

"I-I don't know! I just wanted to make him mad." with that, Sugawara angrily crossed his arms. And knowing him, Kageyama had a feeling he would get an earful.


"Hey! It's not like I wanted him to freeze! I had no idea that dumb ass was standing outside in the pouring rain!"

To his surprise, rather than continuing to yell at him Suga simply walked closer to his fellow setter and patted him on the back.

"I'll have Daichi excuse you from practice." a strange grin came across his face.

"Hey, what are you-"

As that oddly mischievous expression began to fade into a smile, Sugawara opened the door to leave.

"You can just go to Hinata's home instead, and take care of him for the night! How does that sound?"


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