chapter two

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As Kageyama walked down the street to the corner store, he couldn't help but feel a little bit anxious.

His new-found crush for that idiot is making things pretty difficult.

Kageyama sighed.

He'll probably be sleeping anyways. I'm just going to be taking care of him, why am I so damn nervous?


He went into the store. At the front register, he saw a woman, maybe mid-thirties, smiling and welcoming him.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Oh I'm just looking for some cold medicine, stuff that helps with fevers too."

Knowing Hinata and his natural cheerful nature, "a small fever" was probably the flu.

She grabbed a bottle behind the counter and put it on the table.

"Is that all?"

Kageyama was about to nod when he saw a pack of tea, and when he noticed the flavour, he couldn't help but laugh. He probably looked crazy for laughing, but who cares.

"This too."

As he closed the doors to the shop, he put the muffin Kiyoko-san gave him for Hinata in the small bag, along with the medicine and tea. He was glad they had what he needed.

While he began his walk to Hinata's, he looked up at the sky.

Some days the sky reminded him of Hinata. Fluffy and bright, the sun feeling warm and welcoming. Today was one of those days.

It's beautiful out. Hinata would like this weather.

Kageyama seems to have a habit of making himself feel guilty, especially when it comes to Hinata for whatever reason.

I'm sure he's doing fine. He's probably just sleeping and I'll just give him medicine and Kiyoko's muffin and-

Oh. Here's his house.

Kageyama walked up the steps to Hinata's home and rang the doorbell. Nobody answered.

So I guess his parents really aren't home.

He opened the door slightly.

"Dumb ass," he shouted so he could hear him. "I'm coming in!"

He heard no response.

Shit, he thought, what if he's asleep?

Kageyama shut the door behind him.

The entire house was still.

He made his way up Hinata's stairs, careful to do so silently and hoping he didn't already wake him had he been asleep.

He was at his door.

Be calm.

He began to knock.

"Hey Hinata, you awake?" he said, expecting to hear no response.

To his surprise, he heard a quiet, raspy voice through the other side of the door.



He opened the door. There he was.

His eyes widened.

He saw Hinata laying there.

He looked terrible. He could barely hold his eyes open, his face was flushed and sweating. Kageyama could tell he was in pain. But for some odd reason, Hinata was still smiling.

"Hi Kageyama-kun." He said, trying to sound cheerful. It didn't work.

Kageyama quickly made his way over to Hinata. "No, don't talk. Just try to rest."

"What are you doing here?"

Oh, right.

"Sugawara-san sent me."

Hinata laughed. "Of course he-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he went into a coughing fit.

"Dumb ass! You didn't tell me you were this sick! You just said you had a small fever!"

"I wasn't lying! I have a cough too but my throat doesn't hurt or anything."
Kageyama could tell by the sound of his voice that he was lying. And from his face he could immediately tell that his fever was anything but "small".

What an idiot.

He sighed. Good thing he brought cold medicine, which helps with sore throats too.

Hinata shifted in his bed.

"I'm sorry I missed school and made you come all the way over here. I'm fine, really."

Kageyama opened the bottle of cold medicine and gave it to Hinata. Once he saw him drink, he grabbed it and put it on a table by his bed.

"I thought I told you not to talk?
Idiot. And no, you're not. You couldn't help being sick. Besides, it was my fault."

But when he looked back at Hinata, he was already asleep.

Kageyama couldn't help but smile. While he does feel bad for looking at him like this while he's asleep, he couldn't help it.

For a tangerine, you're pretty damn cute.

~hello! if you enjoyed, please be sure to hit the star in the bottom corner! tysm for reading~

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