Capricious - Part 17

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The next morning you woke up just as the sun rose, your mouth dry like cotton and bitter from all the alcohol you had drunk the night before. The hangover hadn't yet hit, but was sure to be a killer.

You cleaned your face with the complimentary soaps in the guest bathroom, tied up your hair and headed for the exit of Jungkook's apartment. The lavish penthouse was dead quiet at this time of day, and by the looks of things everyone had already left the party hours ago. On your way out you saw Jungkook and Jimin, asleep in each other's arms, curled up in a cozy ball on the couch.

Jimin's head rested on Jungkook's shoulder, while the younger man slept with his mouth open in a state of bliss. You felt a great pang in your heart, an unbearable achiness you hadn't felt since the night you kissed Jaehyun. Quickly, you headed towards the doors, averting your eyes from the scene, feeling a great sense of envy engulfing you.

When you finally mustered up the strength to drive home to your downtown apartment, the place felt bleak and empty. Like a gilded cage, with everything you could ever want or need in it, except for him.


The following Monday morning you attended your university philosophy classes. Mr Jeong rushed into the room, his stride unusually tense and rapid. He reached the podium, adjusted his burgundy tie, which already seemed to be loose and haphazardly put together. A stray strand of silver hair stood from the side of Mr Jeong's head, stiff as a soldier. With his large and calloused hands he patted it down before attempting to put together a sentence.

"Good morning class," he began in his deep Baritone voice, "Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend." He gave the students a weak smile, a slight dimple appearing in the left of his cheek.

Instantly, you could tell by the weary look in his eyes that he was worried about his son, Jaehyun.

Shit. What had you done?

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