Teacher's Pet - Part 23

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After the visit to the beach you and Jaehyun sped back in the car to university so he could make it in time for his afternoon class.

Jaehyun pulled into the university parking lot. The sun was shining outside and as you rolled down the window you caught a whiff of the after-rain-smell on the hot concert. The afterglow of the passionate love making session with Jaehyun had not worn off. As you looked over to the drivers side you could see that Jaehyun's cheeks were still pink and glowing too, a grin permanently plastered on his face, showing his contentment.

"Hey babe, is it fine if I meet you after class has finished?" you smiled at the way he called you babe in his deep and husky voice. Hearing him call you 'peach' or 'babe' made your heart flutter like no-one else could.

You gazed at him, eyes full of adoration, "Of course, I'll drive you back home."

"Perfect." Jaehyun smiled, flashing his dimples. He bit his lip and leaned over to kiss you coyly on the lips, like it was his first time doing such a scandalous thing. It was sweet, swift and brief, but made you melt, especially when his hand caressed your cheek. "I'll see you later, be good!" Jaehyun added.

With that he swung his back-pack over his shoulder and headed out of the car, jogging into the campus building. You could tell by his stride that he was proud of himself. Not only for his sexual prowess, and making you moan loudly during your first time. But also, proud of you, that you were his and he was yours.

Since you had time to kill and this was your day off, you decided to head to the cafeteria for a well deserved coffee break. Thankfully, the mid-afternoon rush had died down and the line for the barista wasn't too long.

You sat down in the corner of the cafeteria, sipping your americano while lazily scrolling through your social media feed. Suddenly, the light in front of you was blocked. You looked up and your eyes met the Professor's. You jumped in surprise.

Rising to your feet to greet him you reached out your hand, "Hello Mr Jeong, so good to see you!" you exclaimed, trying not to sound too panicked as you gently shook his hand.

"And you too Y/N, please take a seat. Do you mind if I talk with you for a while?" Mr Jeong said confidently, he gave you a half-moon eye smile and seated himself comfortably on the cold steel bench.

Your mind raced with thoughts. What on earth would he want to talk to you about? Did Jaehyun mention something about breaking up with Jiyeon? Or perhaps the news of your fight with Jiyeon had circulated around the school and made its way to him? You started to sweat and nervously play with your cellphone case. Taking a sip of your Americano you hoped that he knew nothing about your relationship with Jaehyun beyond what he already knew about Jaehyun being your tutor.

"Why do you look so flustered? Are you okay?" Mr Jeong enquired.

You gave him a weak smile, "Yes, just a very busy morning...I'm tired after my work-out session." you tried to sound natural, but your words came out stiff and unusually curt.

"Ahh I see," Mr Jeong said sympathetically, "Make sure you don't wear yourself out. Let your muscles rest after each workout." he replied like a concerned father, making you smile.

"Well, besides that...The reason why I wanted to come over here and talk to you, is because I just got the results from the end of semester exam today. I'm very pleased with how you performed, and wanted to congratulate you on your A+ grades!"

Your jaw dropped and your eyes nearly fell out of your skull.

"Oh my goodness! Mr Jeong thank you so much!"

Mr Jeong gave you a satisfied smile, "My girl," he said affectionately, "You did this! Jaehyun and I might have helped you along the way, but you aced that exam. Have a drink, call a boy and go out on a date, do whatever you need to do. Now you can celebrate and take a rest from studying for the semester. Which I know you probably won't do since you're a star student, but I had to say it anyways."

You couldn't wipe the dorky grin off your face as you patiently listened to Mr Jeong, lapping up all the compliments he was dishing out with a sense of glee and accomplishment.

Mr Jeong looked down at his watch, "Ah time to go back to teaching! I'll see you tomorrow at the philosophy class Y/N."


"Did you like the present I left for you in your car?" a familiar female voice called out to you as you exited the cafeteria.

You stopped in your tracks, the voice rang like a bell in your head and made your heart-race.

"I-it was...You?" you mumbled in a low rumbling voice.

You turned around to face her, your eyes scrunched up into an evil glare of their own volition.

Jiyeon smirked as she saw your anger welling up, making your face turn red. Behind her large black Gucci sunglasses you could tell she was glaring at you too.

"Did you think I was going to give up that easily? Remember me bitch? Yeah I'm still in your life! I broke into your car and placed that little booby trap there for Jaehyun to find. How did he like it huh?" she taunted.

"Well played. The condom was very...Inventive of you, but that hasn't stopped me and Jaehyun. Actually it made us stronger." you huffed in triumph.

Jiyeon tilted her head to the side in question.

"I fucked your ex-boyfriend this morning. How do you feel about that?"

Jiyeon screamed and threw her purse down in frustration.

"Look at you!" you shook her by the shoulders, "Acting like a 4 year old again over a boy? Move on!"

Jiyeon looked at you apathetically, then the corner of her mouth started to turn down into a grimace. Tears soon followed as she began sobbing mercilessly, making her black eyeliner run down her cheeks.

You took a step away from her as you watched in pity.

"Jiyeon it's seriously not the end of the world."

"But he's my world."

"Not anymore," you sighed, trying to think of something polite to say besides the string of curse words currently sitting on the tip of your tongue, "You will find someone else, someone who you can spend the rest of your life with."

"I don't want anyone else, I want J-Jeong J-Jae...Jaehyun." she sobbed in between bated breaths.

Since there was nothing else for you to do besides wasting your breath on useless words, you left Jiyeon. She was only a pathetic shell of her former self. God knows what Jaehyun had seen in her in the first place.

"I'll never stop trying to get back with him!" Jiyeon warned, as you rounded the corner or the cafeteria and went out of her line of sight. You prayed she was only bluffing.


Hey everyone, thank you for reading this far and following the story. I hope you have enjoyed every moment of it as much as I have. Regretfully, I will be taking a break from writing this series to start on a new and exciting project! It will be another NCT related story with some more characters. Please stay tuned for updates, I hope to see you soon!

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