Love Song - Part 19

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Writer's Note: WOW! We have made it to 1,000 reads on this book! I can't believe it thank you so much! More spicy stuff to come so please stay tuned <3


The crowd that had gathered around the fight dispersed quickly like daffodil seeds scattering in the wind, leaving Jaehyun standing beside you, a couple of feet away. You couldn't bear to look at him, but you knew that his attention was fixed on you. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted him, his body tense and rigid, a hand gripped tightly on his textbooks for moral support. You had your side to him so he could just make out the profile of your face.

"Let's get out of here." you muttered to him.

You walked out of the cafeteria at a brisk pace, he followed close behind. Behind the library you found a quiet spot, poison ivy clung to the red brick building and litter scattered the area, but you didn't care, this was the perfect place to finally face Jaehyun and end things.

In the brief walk to the current rendezvous, while Jaehyun followed hot on your heels, you had devised a plan. One that would surely not fail. The objective was to let Jaehyun down. Brutally

You would tell him in your best business lady voice that you and him could simply never be a "thing", that you were from two different worlds and his angsty testosterone filled behaviour at Jungkook's party had totally put you off him.

After having collected your thoughts you turned to face Jaehyun, peering into his handsome visage and almond shaped eyes. The memory of his soft lips against yours destroyed all the plans you had just concocted.

"Why the location?" Jaehyun mustered up the courage to speak, "Is it cos this is the place where you first bumped into me?" He looked around bemused, scanning the derelict library building and trash strewn around the area with uninterested eyes. He grinned, flashing the gorgeous deep groove of his dimples.

"Because Jae it's quiet and away from all the noise." you replied bluntly.

"You still don't like crowded places and people huh?" Jaehyun joked.

"Yeah, and what about it?"

"Nothing!" he put his hands up in mock surrender.

You folded your arms, already fed up with his blathering. Why was it so hard to just tell him how you felt and be done with this mess?

"I'm really sorry..." Jaehyun began, moving closer to you so your bodies were only inches apart. He was so tall you had to tilt your head up just to get a good view of his face. His chest rose and fell as he contemplated his words, they sat on the tip of his tongue. Bitter and metallic, filled with regret along with emotions that he himself couldn't fathom. "I'm so sorry for everything that I've done and what I have put you through because of my stupidity. I never meant for you to be the 'other woman'. You just appeared in my life and I didn't want to let you go, but at the same time I was committed to Jiyeon so I couldn't really end things easily."

You considered Jaehyun's words, his eyes were glistening and full of genuine regret. You found his pitiful face too sorry looking to feel angry with him.

"I understand if you never want to see me again. Kick me in the balls, call me names, never talk to me from now on...I don't care." he gave you a nonchalant shrug and stared down at his feet, his hair hanging over his eyes so you couldn't grasp his emotions.

You had never seen Jaehyun this upset. His usually confident and somewhat cocky grin was gone.

"Jaehyun," you whispered his name, he looked up at you, eyes shining with hope and curiosity. "I really hate you," you began, unsure where your words would lead, "But I can't bear the thought of you leaving my side."

The Professor's SonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon