Chapter Five

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“I can make the bad guys good for a weekend.” –Taylor Swift, Blank Space


Pro: You get to watch the sunrise.

Con: Turns out the sun rises really freaking slowly, and gets kinda boring after a while.

Pro: You get to catch up on all the music you haven’t listened to for a while.

Con: There’s only so many times you can listen to the same playlist before one wants to scratch their own eyeballs out.

Pro: You get to see Zach emerge from his home for a morning jog in all of his shirtless glory.

Con: It’s kind of hard to watch when you’re busy cowering down in your car and hoping to God he doesn’t see you.

Pro: It was a good test for patience.

Con: It definitely tested my patience, that’s for damn sure.

~          *          ~

The thing you need to know about this job is that it requires serious patience.

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but if I’m mentioning it again, it means that patience is seriously imperative.

I didn’t want to approach Zach too soon and seem like I was coming off as too eager and clingy (because that is one surefire way to make sure he never wants to see you again) but I didn’t want to wait too long, and make it seem like I wasn’t interested.

Which is why I made sure I ‘conveniently’ ran into him Saturday as I ran errands in town.

I mean, it’s not my fault I overheard him telling one of his friends—Paul, on the football team, if you’re curious—that he was planning on going into town and checking out the highlights of what Leighton Fields has to offer. It wasn’t my fault I had a few letters to drop off around about that time.

The fact I waited outside his house Saturday morning until he left to go into town may have had a little less to do with chance, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right?

Running into him involved a lot of factors, and it called on almost every acting skill I had.

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