01: dean

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"This is the last time," I say, pulling my boots back on. I have a shift starting in a half hour and I didn't exactly plan on stopping here. Except, I forgot my spare uniform last time I was here and had to come by again to grab it.

"Whatever you say," Paige muses, pulling her shoulder length curls up into a bun.

I say it every time, but then I always end up back here. I usually only come by after a rough shift because I know she gets it. She's been to hell and back, and somehow always knows the right thing to say to me.

"I'm serious," I insist, making sure I have everything. I don't need another reason to come back.

She comes up behind me and presses a kiss to my cheek, "I know you are. Have a good shift."

I resist the pull of a smile and shake my head at her, "I plan to." As Paige walks away, I'm reminded again of her past from the snaking scars on her neck. She is the strongest person I know. Except she's also my brother's ex-fiancée, so there's that.

I didn't mean for it to happen the first time, let alone however many times since. It's a lame excuse, but I was lonely and she was there. Now after that... I don't have an excuse. There's just a sort of understanding between us where she gets me in a way that no one else does.

It's been a year since I finished my time at the academy, and four months since I finished my probationary period. The house I got stationed at has nice people, I'm still grasping the idea of separating my life from work. It's hard seeing all the horrible things people can do during my shift and then try to shift back to normalcy for the next forty-eight hours before returning back to my shift.

Last week we responded to an apartment building fire and the little girl I rescued didn't make it. It's hard to forget the ones you lose on a call, but I wouldn't trade what we do for anything. I worked too hard to get to where I am.

The people from third shift are still here when I get to the house, no doubt eager for their relief to show up. "Hey Barbie, you're early today." Milo comments, resulting in me rolling my eyes.

It was a nickname that appeared early on, "Nice to see you too." If I'm being honest, I don't mind it so much anymore. I know it's a term of endearment now, even if it didn't feel like it at first. "How was the shift? It was a full moon," I tease, knowing fully well how crazy they can get. I made the mistake of questioning the validity my first full moon shift. It's easier to say that it was crazy than to try and explain it.

Ralph shakes his head, "Had a few car accidents, but nothing too crazy for once."

It's reassuring to hear that, but the odds of a slow night happening two nights in a row are slim. Nearly impossible actually.

"Hope you're well rested rookie," One of the old timers jokes from the couch.

"I'm not the rookie anymore, I got my official placement here months ago." I respond, heading towards the locker room.

I unpack my bag, hesitating slightly before grabbing my spare uniform. I should never have gone to Paige's this morning. If Maddox were to find out, I know exactly how it would go over. Yet, I continue to go over there anyway.

The sound of footsteps catches my attention, and I set the uniform on a shelf in my locker before looking to see who it is. I relax when I see that it's just Linc. "Where'd you disappear to this morning? I thought we were carpooling today."

I shrug, putting the rest of my things in my locker. "I had an errand to run. Next time we can."

"You owe me for the taxi I had to take to get here since you bailed for an errand," He claps me on the shoulder before heading to his locker further down.

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