09: dean

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Why on earth did I let Lacey convince me that this would be a good idea. I tap the counter as I wait for my next refill. The bowtie around my neck feels like it is constricting me and my suit is a little tight on my shoulders. I've bulked up a little the past few months so I'm not surprised that it doesn't fit perfectly anymore.

"This was an absolutely terrible idea," I say quietly to myself as I've done my best to stay hidden in the shadows.

I don't even know why I agreed to come. The free liquor just isn't worth it. However earlier, the little voice in the back of my head reminded me that I don't have a reason not to come other than not wanting to. The voice sounded a lot like Lacey.

God, what am I doing? I just met this girl and I really like spending time with her. Lacey has this way of simplifying everything to fit the way she lives her life and it's so refreshing.

These events used to be normal for me and now I can't wait to leave.

"Hey stranger," Cassidy says taking a seat next to me. Her gown fits her perfectly and she really looks like she belongs here. At least one of us does.

I smile briefly at her, "What are you doing over here? Shouldn't you be playing the role of the dutiful girlfriend while Maddox talks to people?"

Cassidy's eyes are extra bright tonight as the makeup she's wearing has them pop. "When do I ever do what I'm supposed to do? Besides, they all keep asking when we're going to get engaged and I'm so sick of being asked that question," She scrunches up her nose in disgust. "I looked for you in the corners first since I know that's where you like to hide. My next guess was the bar."

I chuckle softly, " I guess I'm a creature of habit. I don't blame you. It's frustrating to get asked the same question over and over."

The bartender refills my glass of bourbon and Cassidy orders her own glass of champagne. I take a long drink from it causing Cassidy to give me a questioning look. "Everything okay?"

"I'm just doing my best to get through the night," I respond tightly. It's not her fault I'm here; if anything it's Hayes and Maddox's fault. Not that I can really blame them though. Everyone is here. My parents, Hayes's, and anyone who has a blood relation to the name Benson or a stake in the company either through shares or partnerships. As much as I hate to admit it, Maddox was right. Me not being here wouldn't be good for appearances. Stupid fucking appearances.

"Maddox told me that you weren't too thrilled to come, but I'm really glad you did. I am surprised you didn't bring Lacey though. I like her." Cassidy says, trying to bring her up nonchalantly.

I give her a weird look, "Why would I bring her? I'm sure she enjoys having a private life and I'm not going to be the one to mess that up for Lacey."

Cass's drink appears and she takes her own sip at the same time I take mine. "I don't know Dean. I really don't know, but I think you might be having a bit more fun if you had brought her."

"I already have a corner buddy," I say holding up my glass and she rolls her eyes.

"She's good for you even if you're too stubborn to realize it."

"Lacey's just a friend."

"I must be imagining the way I thought I saw you look at her. My mistake," Cassidy says shrugging.

I don't look at Lacey a certain way. She's a friend and that's what I really need right now. "Do you remember a few minutes ago when you said that you hated having people ask you the same question over and over again? Lacey is only a friend," I insist before mumbling the next part under my breath, "My other ones don't spend much time with me anymore."

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