10: lacey

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 "Can you just tell me where we're going?" I ask looking over at Dean who has the hints a smile on his face.

"That would ruin the surprise."

I haven't seen him in person in a few days, actually not since the day before the charity gala his family had. However, I did see quite a few pictures of him in the tabloids. His scene with Maddox and Cassidy made it into a few magazines I saw at the checkout station while shopping for groceries.

Dean hadn't mentioned it so I certainly wasn't going to push it, but I was curious to hear what actually happened.

I shake my head adamantly at him, "I don't like surprises. I would however like to know where we're going. You basically kidnapped me from work saying 'Get in, we're going for an adventure.'"

"I do not sound like that," Dean scoffs leaning back in his seat. "I'll tell you where we're going when you tell me what's on your bucket list."

I give him an exasperated look, "You're seriously still on that? Why do you care so much?"

"Why are you so intent to keep it a secret?"

I cross my arms and look out my window to avoid answering his question. I don't want to tell him because the odds of me checking everything off are slim and I have no intention of getting my hopes up.

All I'd really planned on doing tonight was grabbing food and watching movie on the couch. Pretty lame for a Friday night, but it's what I had thought I'd be doing. Not going on an adventure with Dean to who knows where. Today, I was getting Grayson a coffee and my hands went numb causing me to drop it in the break room. It was embarrassing and I was mortified.

"Lacey?" Dean prods again trying to get me to look at him.

"That's my name, don't overuse it." I tease trying to keep the mood light. I'm exhausted, but I'm more curious to find out where we're going.

"You're truly something else."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "So you'll tell me where we're going then?"

"Nope," He says smiling.

I glance up at the cab driver who is smiling while making a turn, "Any chance you could tell me where we're going?"

He lets out a short laugh, "Not a chance Miss. I'd hate to be the one to ruin it."

Dean sticks his tongue out at me in response and I'm definitely starting to second guess this whole friendship thing if he's going to act like a toddler. Not even a toddler, just I don't even know.

"Fine," I pout looking out my window.

With all the traffic, it takes us another ten minutes to get there and I'm cringing at the thought of what the cab fare was. It's safe to say that I was confused as to why we're here in the first place.

"What are we doing here?" I ask Dean, pulling my jacket closer around me.

He smiles widely and offers me his arm, "C'mon. We're going to miss it if we don't hurry."

"Miss what? I'm pretty sure the Empire State Building doesn't go anywhere." I chuckle, looping my arm with his. Dean honestly seems the most excited I've seen him and I like this version of him.

And I completely understand why he's excited once we reach the observation deck. Most people have left with a few stragglers sticking around for what we're here to see.

The sky is a beautiful orange as the night sky looms over. You can see everything from up here. The city lights are spectacular, but it feels like everything is possible up here. A breeze tousles my hair into a flurry around my face and I brush it away quickly so I don't miss a second. "Wow."

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