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taehyung went home. i hope it goes well. i really do. we cried together all night and i'm sure he's just as tired as i am. i've been in bed almost all day. 3pm. suddenly i hear my door open. i assume it's just my mom so i don't bother to get up and look it's way. i feel a soft and warm kiss on my forehead that almost makes me smile. a familiar touch on my tear stained cheek. i flutter my eyes open and see him. that same warm feeling in my stomach comes back. suddenly i feel my tears come back. god i'm so week. "j-jungkook.." "shhh, baby. i'm here." i pull him onto my bed and cuddle into his chest. we sit in silence. he's running his hands through my hair and gives me occasional kisses on the top of my head. God, i love this man. i'm falling so deep. "why is my life so hard.. why am i not happy, jungkook? do i deserve this..? what have i ever done? why do i feel so empty?" "jiminie.. you deserve all the love and happiness in the world." "i cant even compare to what Taehyung must be feeling right now. he was practically choking on his tears. i feel so bad, kook.." "what happened?" i shouldnt really be telling jungkook this.. but whos he gonna tell? "his mom has a new boyfriend.. but when tae met him, it turned out his moms boyfriend actually beat him 4 years ago.. he's using his mom to get back to taehyung. i sent taehyung home to go and tell him mom. i'm worried, kook-ah. what if i made the wrong decision.. what if he should've just stayed here.." "did you go with your gut?" "i mean yea-" "then he'll be fine, baby. i promise."

taehyung POV:
i told my mom. everything. she was shocked. in tears, we cried together. i think it's safe to say i'll never see him again. i don't want to bring it up again. i want to feel something. i'm numb. that's why i'm doing what im just about to do.
i walk up to the group of boys with my hands clenched. "i'll pay you $200 to beat me up."
"kid, what? are you o-"
"uh.. okay. no. we are definitely not gonna do that. that shit is what we're not gonna do. your gonna sit down here, and we're gonna help you. normally if it was like $50 dollars yeah sure we'd do it. but $200?? are you insane?"
"OMG! WHY CANT YOU JUST DO- oh my god what the fuck am i doing.."
"told ya. come on kid. lets get you home, where do you live?"
"n-no.. please.. i wanna feel something.. please"
"sorry kid, you've got issues. we're not gonna do that."
"fuck.. please.."
"no. go home"
i decided to just go home. why wouldn't they do it? fuckin pussys. i say, kicking a rock.

mine {jikook} Where stories live. Discover now