《③》'Are you... pregananat?'

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That fucking shelter took a whole 'nother week to finish, mostly because Branch insisted on sewing all the remaining leaves together to make a 'reinforced barrier' to cover the whole thing, so there would be less of a chance of you being drowned while it rains- which honestly, not gonna lie, kinda disappointed-

You would have helped him while he spent all week sewing, buuuut, the needles are too small for you, and his standards are too high, so you wouldn't stand a chance in hell and would only slow him down... you honestly don't even know why he's doing so much for you- you would have been happy with just a couple of big leaves and some sticks to cover you, but he was basically refusing to sleep until he finished that damn leaf-tarp-thing. It had gotten to a point where not even your cuddle jokes would distract him from sewing... you had even tried to keep the tarp from him- but that little shit came back the next day with a new piece he had been working on all throughout the night... you gave him the damn tarp back so he could sew the new chunk onto it...

So after all that, you had to resort to desperate measures...

... it has come down to you forcefully holding onto him so he'd take a damn break. He'd protest and try to squirm out of your hand, telling you to put him down and start coming up with facts and possible scenarios of what could happen in the next night or so if he didn't finish the 'reinforced barrier'- but jokes on him! You never think that far ahead, so if it doesn't happen now, future-you can deal with it and cuss out past-you later.

After you deemed it a long enough break, you'd put him down and he'd run back and start fucking speed sewing and going at it like a mad lad to 'make up for the time you made him lose'. But eh, you aren't worried. Breaks are important.

But finally, it was finished, and you had finally done something useful in your life and pushed stone nails through the hems of the tarp and secured it to the ground so the wind couldn't be a little bitch and blow it away....

And you know, you'd think 'that's that', right?


Branch keeps bringing you shit to put in the shelter! Like apparently sleeping on a bunch of strangely soft leaves isn't enough for him like it is for you!

You were happy with what you had right now! You were dry, you were protected from the elements, you were protected from that bright son of a bitch called the sun, and it was strangely warm in there.

BUT! Apparently Branch thought you needed something softer to sleep on. He keeps, slowly but surely, bringing you more and more stacks of weird cotton looking stuff, which is slowly covering the ground in the shelter.

You don't understand!

Why the fuck does he keep bringing you shit?!

You don't need it!

But at the moment... you are asleep... or at least... trying to sleep...

Oh shit, you can hear singing coming your way... something about Trolls... and fun...

Why does this song sound so familiar...

Make that half asleep.

There's jumbled nonsense of people calling your name from outside your little 'home'... there's a pause... and you're slipping back into la la land, the singing stopped, but the upbeat background music didn't, but that ain't gonna keep you awake...

And you're like a light, snoring again-

.... whoever is outside gave a loud, dramatic, sigh of frustration and runs into the shelter, while the other slowly slips in after them, jumping and climbing over the leg that blocked their path, and quickly made their way to your face.

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