《①①》'Thriller-! Uh, I Mean Rock Zombies!'

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(Day-to-Day advice: .... Never make eye contact with the crackhead in the gas station-)

And thanks to a conversation I was having with @ArtsyCaramel and @Classified_Galaxy , you will be fucking up your shoulder/arm in this chapter-

.... You were on your knees in the darkness of the underground holding area, heavy thick chains holding you down and keeping you from moving...

... The roaring cheers from the crowd echoing above you, even from underground, you could hear Barb singing 'Barracuda'...

..... you really love that song...

...... but you wanna know what you love more then kickass music?

Dislocating your shoulder-

Sure, you might be held down by chains at the moment... buuuuuut, sticky situations require some painful ass solutions!

Now usually, people don't go this far if you get caught, so a majority of the time you only have dislocate your thumb and you're Gucci! But there's a first time for everything!

You took in a deep breath through your nose, leaning forward as far as you could before there was a strain on your shoulder, your arm being trapped behind you on the ground.

Don't bite your tongue. Don't bite your tongue. Don't bite your tongue. Don't bit-!

You rammed yourself forward, a sickening pop echoing in the darkness you were in, blinding pain flooding all your senses and causing you to choke on your breath.


"mOTHERFUCKIN'-ASS-TITS- FU- MMMMMMMMM-!" You muffled the trail of curse words before they could send you to hell any quicker.

... this is what you get for being impulsive!

... you also really need to learn how to think before acting.

You groaned as you slid your dislocated arm through the chains, freeing it, which coincidentally loosened the chains on your other arm, and with a shaky hand and some heavy breathing through your nose, you went to pop your shoulder back into place-

But holy fuck! Even touching it is painful!!

Stop being a weenie! Pop that bitch back into place!

But oooh damn, dislocated shoulders hurt way more then dislocated thumbs!

........... You hardly noticed that the song above came to an end, being too occupied by, you know, trying to hype yourself up to slam your shoulder back into place... but then you heard the very loud sound of Barb victoriously announcing all the Troll leaders who have been caught... which was apparently all of them.

"-And worst of all! Poppy!" Barb mockingly sneered.

The sound of boos followed.

Huh, so she did catch her... which didn't seem that hard to do, Poppy would fall for anything-

Goddamnit! You're stalling!

Stop stalling!

"Who wants to see what the ultimate power chord can do?!" Barb's voice rang out.

Over the top cheering followed.

Ok! Ok!

You sucked in a deep breath through your nose... then slammed your dislocated shoulder into the wall behind you-!

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