《⑦》'Hickory Dickory Dock, I'm Watchin' Your Ass Like a Hawk~'

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Luckily, it didn't take as long to get to the country Troll place as it did that Symptom-whatcha-ma-call-it-village. Where it took an entire fucking day to get to that Classical place, it only took a few hours to get here... and holy shit it was hot.

Fuckin' sweatin' a bit. Good thing you aren't wearing much or it would be worse.

"This must be where the Country Trolls live!" Poppy exclaimed excitedly as she rolled up her map.

Branch was quick to try and find a way out of going. "Well, looks like no one's here! We're too late! Time to go!" He started speed walking the other way, motioning for you and Blue Boi to follow. "Come on guys!"

"There's no 'I Quit' in team!" Poppy yelled from way further down the road...

How the fuck did she get over there so fast?

You could smell Branch's disappointment from here- and honestly, that's a mood.

So with that, you all made your way to the small western-style town... well, they did. You kinda hung back behind the buildings on the outer edge- oh hey, they're right in front of you hiding behind a barrel...

How the fuck do they keep teleporting?!

But before you could even begin to open your mouth to ask about it, an orange Troll came walking... make that trotting out of a building.. playing on a guitar...

And starting singing some depressing song...

Oh no.

Your weakness!

Depressing music!

"This song is so sad..." Poppy pointed out the obvious- oh wait, she's probably never heard a sad song in her life... she's missing out on a lot... or that may just be because your ass is depressed as fuck-

"Yeah..." Branch nodded from where he was hiding on the other side of the barrel. "It is sad... But life is sad sometimes... so... I kinda.. like it?" He seemed confused with himself.

"That's your depression speaking." You offered an explanation, already feeling this song was going to get stuck in your head for the next few weeks... shit.

"-But it's so... different." Poppy made a face... you couldn't tell if she was disgusted or confused or what.

"Definitely a nice change from all that pop- I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Cyndi Lauper, but hearing only that for a year is torture!" You groaned, running a hand down your face while the three Trolls before you looked at you with their mouths gapped.

"Torture?!- Wait! You knew there were different kinds of music before this whole thing?!" Poppy exclaimed as she slapped both her hands onto her cheeks dramatically.

"Yeeeeah- kinda thought you knew that when I was talking about what Rock was when Barb sent that invitation-thing."

..... "Fair point." Poppy let her hands fall back to her sides.

On the other hand, Branch was having a mental panic.

All this time he's been singing songs, some of which were secretly kinda-directed-at-you-but-was-so-subtle-that-no-one-picked-up-on-it, and you've just been annoyed with it all?! Oh no!-

"Why is it all so... sad?" Poppy unknowingly interrupted the beginning of Branch's turmoil.

You just shrugged in response.

..... Then Poppy gasped. "Maybe they don't know that music's supposed to make you happy! Oh, that's awful!"

... you could see the gears turning in her little head.

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