《①②》'Running Away From Your Problems is Always the Solution, Kids!'

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So, after the whole 'Traumatizing all Trolls with your bone dislocating abilities', 'Uniting all Troll' and giving half of them a ride home, you'd think; Hey, everyone got their happy ending! All's good in the world now! Right?

Fuckin' wrong!

Ever since you got everyone back to Troll Village, you've dedicated your time to avoiding all your problems and doing fuck all... and by avoiding your problems, you mean avoiding Branch at all cost, which mostly consisted of hiding out in trees, hiding out in the forest, and avoiding that shelter thing Branch and you built because Poppy keeps convincing Branch that 'You were in trouble and needed his help' because she can't leave your awkward friendship-thing alone.... and yeah, you've been sleeping in the forest, it's actually not that bad considering everything is made of soft-ish shit-

Off topic!

It seemed that Branch had the same idea to avoid each other for the first week as well. Anytime you'd see him, you'd yeet yourself up the nearest tree or sneak away, and if you needed to do something and if Branch was anywhere near the place you were heading or needed, you'd just say 'Fuck it' and go back later when he wasn't there.

And he did the same thing.

.... and you'll admit, it was definitely weird not talking to or messing with him for an entire week and avoiding each other completely, despite everyone's efforts to 'accidentally' get you both in close proximity of each other.

...... but then Branch stated looking for you!

Yes, you know you should stop being a lil' bitch about this and go face his rejection again like the grown ass woman you are and sit through some rambling about why he doesn't like you and his apologies and get back to being friends....

Buuuuuut, fuck that! You aren't ready!

So what do you do?

You go back to planning out that one thing you had planned on doing before Barb started stealing everyone's tooth-floss.

Punch the King and Queen of Bergen-Town and get the fuck outta dodge!

And since the relationship between Bergen-Town and Troll Village is kinda-really iffy, and you punching their King and Queen will definitely get some pissed people on your ass, it's the perfect excuse to disappear for awhile until you're ready to face the music!

And the only reason you didn't do this the moment you all got back to the village is because you were waiting for your shoulder to heal up a bit so it didn't fuck up your escape plan!

Don't want to get caught after all!

.... and yes, you'll admit, you're that much of a coward that you'd rather face an angry mob of Bergens rather then face rejection twice...

But hey, you'll come back eventually once everything calms down again and Bergens aren't looking for you in Troll-Village and all over the forest!

Yeahhh, great plan! You've already got everything ready to go! Now the only thing left to do is execute the plan!


Slowly, you snuck into Bergen-Town, the same way you always do, which is stepping over the trash barrier and hiding behind buildings and in empty alleyways.

You stayed low and silent as you snuck past guards and regular civilians, none of which seen you, and creeped your way to the castle.

But not to the front entrance, no no no... you're gonna scale the side of this bitch and bust through the window like the badass you are!

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