21. birthday kids

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          Luckily, the B.A.U. profilers weren't called in for a case on October 28th, but as Penelope insisted at Rossi's party, the team was itching to coordinate a birthday celebration for their youngest profiler and newest friend. A few days earlier, Spencer informed Francesca of this, and she adjusted her schedule accordingly to make sure she had time to visit Quanitco. After spending the night together at Spencer's place, the two had a lazy morning complimented with homemade funfetti pancakes. Francesca, notorious for her poor cooking, dabbled in the baking of the recipe occasionally, leaving most of it to Spencer. Ironically, she helped herself to the most food in the end.

          At around lunch time, Francesca and Spencer drove to the B.A.U. separately, considering Spencer would have to stay at work anyway. When they pulled into the parking lot, they met up before the entrance to the building. Spencer, running their devised plan through his head, suddenly questioned it before going inside. Francesca, who was fully confident in their scheme, sighed. "Yes, it's going to work. You go up first, then I'll wait a few minutes before I come up. They'll be too excited about cake to question anything."

          Spencer nodded with fake conviction. "Right. Yeah." He put a little skip in his step before mustering the power to head inside. Francesca kept an eye on her phone's time, deciding to enter herself after about four and a half minutes passed.

          They won't suspect a thing, the girl convinced herself as she navigated her way to the elevator. How could they?


         "Those two really think they're slick," Derek scoffed at his view. Him, Emily, Penelope, and Rossi were huddled around the small window in the B.A.U. lobby that gave them the only view of their building's parking lot. Below them were Francesca and Spencer, who were obviously rehashing some sort of plan of action before coming inside.

          "This is creepy," Penelope pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, "but so intriguing."

          "I can't believe this is what you all called me over here for," Rossi complained, starting to back away from the other three.

          "You can't even say you're not the slightest bit interested in them," Emily refuted, earning a shameful shrug from the Italian. "That's what I thought."

          JJ, who carried a stack of files, exited her office to the sight of her team members glued to the window. "What are you guys doing?" she chuckled, getting them each to turn their heads to her.

          Penelope tapped on glass. "Reid and Griff are totally conspiring about how to walk in here without looking like a couple."

          JJ pursed her lips, gripping the files tighter. "Oh, yeah?"

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