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— x

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— x.ᴅ.ʀ.

My eyes followed the cars as they started leaving the property towards the gates. I couldn't shake the feeling of wrongness that Dante put in my head as I turned to enter the house only to bump into my dad.

"Calmati, ragazzo. Dov'è la fretta?" He questioned chuckling while gazing at me with a questioning look.
("Calm down, boy. Where is the rush?")

"Scusi, I was about to get in."

"I can see that." He said moving to the side but before I could make a move to step inside he put a hand on my shoulder. "Dante can do it. Don't worry yourself."

"I know, but I can't shake the feeling that something will happen to him if I'm not there with him."

"Xavier, he is not a kid anymore. He can take care of himself." His words even though we're meant to be reassuring didn't help me one bit.

"I know, but-"
"No buts. You are protecting him way too much since he was a kid. He can do this without you. I know that it's dangerous, but it needs to be done. Someone needs to end this story. And if that needs to be him so be it."

Sighing I turned stepped into the house but before I fully entered I turned on my heel to face dad. "You know, he once told me that he never wanted to be in this type of work environment."

Smirking he looked at me "I know. He was always Mama's boy... But joke on the side, I know. You all are my kids, it's my job to know your likes and dislikes. And I also know that the only thing he enjoys in this life is the fact that he owns those clubs in Italy. He is not a fan of blood until it's needed to be spiled."

"Si-" I started but got cut by him again.

"I know I dragged all of you in this lifestyle with me, and for that I'm sorry. But I hope I gave all of you at least somehow normal childhood. And I sincerely hope I was a good father, if not then learn from my mistakes and do a better job." He said stepping closer to me "Now, instead of talking nonsense you should go see if your future wife is okay, see if she needs something, and then how would Dante say 'pop the question'."

Smiling at him I extended my arm for a handshake which he gladly accepted. "I will... Thank you. And for that father thing you mentioned.." I started as I pulled away and turned to enter the house "I hope I'm half of a father like you have been to us." With that, I entered.

. . .

The Guys still didn't arrive it's been longer than two hours since they left and I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Shaking my head I looked around. 'I need to stop. Remember what dad said. They will be fine. Aleksei's men at outnumbered and everything is going to our advantage.'

Opening my eyes I looked at my mother who was putting a bouquet of light blue crisantemos on the table next to me. Taking the bouquet I smelled it making a disgusting face.

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