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- Innie wake up, today's school.

- I know hyung, but... can't we sleep for a little longer?

- No we can't. Now move your ass and get ready.

- Ok hyung.

With this words Jeongin got up. The small sting in his leg, reminded him the night before


NO, you're drunk again!



He threw a bottle on me. A fucking bottle that shattered into small shiny pieces, slicing my legs and leaving wounds

Another wounds to collection

THAT'S WHAT U DESERVE RETARD. Now go away, I don't want to see you anymore today

y-yes hyung



Leaving the house hand in hand, I was thinking about possibilities of leaving him. Leaving my hyung, my first love and my home. Yes I was living with him, after my parents kicked me out for being gay. I think that's ok, I never truly loved them, at least not as much as my hyung. 

- what are you thinking about baby?

His hot breath against my neck. This feeling was sending me chills thru my spine, to the every nerve in my body

- I-I was thinking about todays exam hyung.

- I know you're lying  baby, now answer me again.

The grip on my hand was getting stronger with every word, to the point I wanted to scream of pain. I guess he saw my pain, because he loosened his grip. Oh wait, that wasn't the reason. 

- Heeeeey ! How's our favorite couple ?

Felix, Changbin and Jisung were coming in our direction, laughing and smiling. If they only knew...

- We are great, thanks. And what about y'all ?

Of course Hyunjin replied. He never allows me speak unless with him.

- We're all great. Innie are you okay? You're quieter than usual. 

- Yes he's fine, he just had rough time yesterday, if ya know what I mean.

- he was studying for the exams, right?

- that's not what I exactly meant haha

- stoppp, I'm feeling single 

I felt my cheeks burning in embarrassment. I knew he was lying, but others didn't. And I didn't want to ruin the image of us. The cute, perfect couple, that will probably get married after graduation. That was our image, mine and Hyunjins. The image I wanted to keep, I wanted to believe in

time skip, lunch time

- Hi! Can I join you ?

ugh, I can't understand why all this girls, are trying to get into his pants, it's well known that we are together, why can't they understand this ?

- No, you can't, I'm trying to enjoy my meal with my baby

He answered, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. This small gesture made me forgive, all the pain he caused to me. After all he still loves me, and that's the only thing I care about.

- But why are you with him ? There are a lot of pretty girls, not like him.

Typical. Everyone hates me, only he loves me.

- I'm sorry but who said you're pretty ? The only pretty one here, is my baby, and no one can compare themselves with him. Now better fuck off, before you upset my baby.

His overprotective self is showing again, but it feels safe. It feels safe, to be protected by him, to be held in his arms. It reminds me of old times, when I felt everyday like this, not only outside our home.

- Are you okay Innie? I'm really sorry you had to hear that bitch.

- I'm fine hyung... thank you for this, I love you.

- I love you too baby

I was sitting on his lap saying this words, while being cuddled to his chest, his slender arms around me. I felt small and warm, it felt like something correct. I wish we could be like this every time and everywhere, not only when someone was looking. The small ''aw'' was heard from all around the table, everyone's hearts melting at the sight of the cute couple.

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