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I'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of us
How I was losing my mind when I saw you here


"Have you heard that Sunset Curve are apart?"

"Sunset Curve!"

"Are they still together?"

"Are you saying that Sunset Curve is no longer in LA?"

"Where's Sunset Curve?"

Luke kicked the door open carrying two boxes on each arm.

"We are here!" Exclaimed the guy as he tried to walk into the apartment, but the boxes not letting him. "Well... it was a nice try."

"Get in!" Yelled Alex, pushing Luke inside and him tripping, almost falling. "You should go to the gym, Patterson, you look like Captain America before the steroids."

"Leave me alone. I live in New York, everything is expensive."

"Says the guy with a four bedroom loft in the middle of Manhattan," claimed Julie as she walked in, looking around. "Look at those glorious windows. We could have a greenhouse here."

"I use those window as a whiteboard. Here I brainstorm for songs," he explained, pointing at the lose markers on the floor and the big brainstorm in unreadable handwriting that was on the window. "I bet you could see it when we were on FaceTime."

"I scroll through instagram while I talk to you if I'm being honest," admitted Julie as Reggie kicked the last box in. "Hey! Those are my stuff!"

"If it is your stuff then why do I have to carry it?"

"It's called being a gentleman."

"I call it being lazy and making other people do the stuff you are supposed to do," argued Reggie and both looked at each other seriously.

"If my Behind the Music doesn't show this I'll sue." He whispered to himself before looking at his bandmates. "Guys, Peyton will arrive soon, and if she sees you fighting when you don't even have your entire body inside the apartment," he grabbed Reggie by the shoulders and pushed him inside, "she'd kill me. Or worse, she'd break up with me."

"You need to sort your priorities, man," commented Alex as he arrived to the kitchen. "How is it possible that you can survive eating only milk, waffles, a slice of ham and a single orange?"

"Those are all the foods in the food pyramid, try to argue with me on that, I dare you."

"I won't," said Alex, "I know you'll find some stupid way to save your ass."

"Our fans are asking us where we are," let them know Julie. "They still think we are separated."

"Let's take a picture with Luke so they know Sunset Curve is still alive and together."

The whole band stood next to the other and smiled to the camera. She took the phone and immediately posted it on Instagram, receiving likes every millisecond.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now