Chapter 3

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Quote for the chapter:

"Just be, and enjoy being."

-Eckhart Tolle

Natalie Hughes is a beautiful half British girl loved by her family. She has an older sister, who also graduated from Hidget Academy two years prior, is studying to get a psychology degree in London which leaves her to inherit her family business. Her family is famous for its fashion business— a clothing line. She doesn't mind taking over but she is not stable as of now. So far, dating Jevon Smith has helped her keep her cool.

I hate the president. It's been the second time she rejected our team's budget increase request. Natalie hated the fact that the current president is so difficult to convince. Chloe's face remained unwavered and composed even when sheFF shouted at her. Their team needs the budget increase. Heck, they need it for now. Natalie walked fast towards the room of the student council.

"Is the president present?" Natalie said as she opened the door.

She was met with a brunette girl with cold blue eyes with a frown. The girl imposes so much authority. Natalie didn't flinch when she saw the student council president.

"She is." Chloe said, unamused.

Natalie studied Chloe. The girl's eyebrows furrowed out of anger. Natalie was sure that Chloe hated her and was more irritated that she was here inside the student council room to try to convince Chloe to approve the team's budget increase proposal. She knows that the previous cheerleader captains made it into a tradition somehow, but her reason wasn't solely that. She needs the budget increase to ensure her safety.

"Hey there Natalie," Vanessa said with a smile.

"How's cheerleading?" Alice also asked.

Natalie remembered Vanessa and Alice, they were the only ones who were close to Chloe despite the latter's attitude. Natalie knows that her encounter with Chloe wasn't pleasant either. She pushed the girl before when the girl accidentally spilled milk all over her. Her temper got her and her body moved on its own. She did try to control her temper and even visited her therapist. Despite their history, Vanessa and Alice still were nice to her.

"It's quite great dear Alice. And hello to you too Vanessa. I'm afraid I'm not here to see you two." She said glaring at Chloe.

"Make it quick. What is it?" Chloe said firmly.

Natalie felt her insides range. Dear Lord. How could she be so cold? Chloe really is cold not caring what others would think. Natalie has guessed that maybe like her, Chloe also built up a wall around herself. Natalie thought that maybe Chloe did deserve the shoving she did before. After all, it's not like Chloe didn't try to hide her irritation towards Natalie. She didn't mind it one bit, but she did hope at least they would get to know each other before deciding that they should hate each other.

"Chloe! Be nice." Vanessa said.

"This is me being nice already," Chloe said firmly similar to that of an authoritative business person.

Natalie wanted to thank Vanessa. At least someone here wasn't afraid of telling Chloe what her place is. Is it really so hard to be nice for once? Sometimes Natalie wondered if the rumors were truly true and that Chloe hated her with her heart. She didn't hate Chloe although she didn't like the unfriendliness of the girl. Natalie knows herself that she is a mad bitch when she's out of control but she's already trying to fix that with a little help from Jevon.

"That's her being nice already, Van," Alice said.

"Fine," Vanessa said as she sat beside Alice and checked out the progress of their letter.

Natalie didn't know whether to be thankful or not. This attitude that Chloe was showing to her was already Chloe being nice. She must admit that Chloe wasn't glaring at her as if Chloe wanted to murder her.

"Come in," Chloe said.

The student council has a huge room compared to the other clubs. It was minimalistic and neat. The room has a scent of fresh violets that Natalie likes. It gives out the impression of a perfect principal's room. Somehow the room feels so authoritative as if you were entering the faculty room and the guidance office. Must be Chloe's presence especially how often she is in here. Natalie sat across the table from Chloe. The president gets to have their own desk for the files and a comfy chair while the other student council only gets a couch and a small tea table. Their room is already exquisite, similar but only smaller than the principal's office.

"I'm here for the budget proposal," Natalie said with her legs crossed and her arms relaxed on her knees.

"Rejected," Chloe said as she sips her tea.

Natalie was about to burst, but luckily she was able to control it by crossing her legs. She needs to visit her therapist again for meds or else one day she might punch or slap someone accidentally. Being in Chloe's presence is definitely not helping. Her budget proposal was rejected again, and convincing Chloe to approve would take a while.

"I didn't know you enjoy tea, Chloe."

"There's no need for you to know."

Natalie cursed herself for trying to be nice to Chloe. Chloe just spits venomous words at her every attempt to speak to her. Surely there would be a way for them to be friends.

"Come on, Chloe, be nicer." Vanessa said as she shot Chloe a look.

Chloe only rolled her eyes which made Natalie unable to stand her more.

"I just want to make it clear that we need the budget increase," Natalie said, trying to compose herself.

Natalie really wanted her budget increase to happen. The other members agreed also, but of course, Natalie never clearly conveyed for what reason. Jevon knows he's the only person Natalie trusts. Despite having many friends, she never really has anyone she could open up to. Deep down she felt jealous of Chloe. Chloe doesn't get along with everyone, but she has close friends while Natalie doesn't. She hasn't even experienced the so-called sleepover. Jevon did stay over from time to time, but it hardly even counts.

"What? For fancier hotels? There's no need for that. I assure you that your budget is already enough to have a decent hotel for your training. Mind you that the hotels you are staying for the past years are already beyond fancy compared to my tiny house." Chloe said.

Natalie didn't know what to say. Surely Chloe must have been mistaken. She did want to stay at a hotel with better security partly because her therapist recommended it for her. As for the uniforms, that was only an excuse. She couldn't tell Chloe the real reason. Natalie wanted to snicker. Surely, Chloe should have known that they already had three uniforms last year. She did, however, requested the coach to allow them to only have two for this year so that they could use the excess budget for more important things.


"If that's all, you may leave."

In that instance, something broke out from Natalie. Not now. Natalie panicked deep inside since it might happen again. In an instant, Natalie uncrossed her legs and stood up walking closer to Chole. Chloe received a slap from Natalie. Natalie wanted Jevon to barge in and hold her so she could come to her senses and stop before Chloe would hate her more. The whole room became quiet. Natalie blinked rapidly realizing her actions. She blushed deep pink from the embarrassment. There's no way out and she wasn't about to explain or else it's going to get more troublesome. She didn't want her parents to worry any more than they should.

"I'm sorry," Natalie said, then ran out of the room.

This is one reason she received her nickname. 'Friendly Bitch' Sure she is friendly but when she snapped, she was definitely a bitch. She knows it herself. It wasn't entirely her fault. She better calls Jevon and have a small talk with him to calm her nerves. Good thing that both of them didn't have practice today.

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