Chapter 32

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Quote for the chapter:

"If you treat each day as a gift, they can all feel like Christmas morning, not sure what you might unwrap next, but excited nonetheless."

― M. Reali-Elliott


Chloe looked like Natale. Did she wonder how Natalie usually spends her weekend? Everyone in their neighborhood had never gone kart racing her family and she had visited it many times, except for Brian. This is his first time. Well, it looks like it'll be Natalie's too.

Natalie began to tell the rest of the Disney princess stories to Brian from Cinderella to Frozen. Brian's smile grew wider and wider each time. When Brian heard that Natalie will watch the movies with him, he peeked over at Chloe. Chloe sighed a little and nodded towards Brian. Brian told Natalie to move closer and appeared to be whispering to Natalie which made both of them laugh after. Chloe swore that Natalie's intentionally making her life miserable. She wasn't particularly fond of Disney princesses. She did like frozen and some other independent princesses. Chloe decided to be mentally prepared when Natalie and Brian both decided to binge-watch all the Disney princess movies. Chloe cringe just thinking of it, but she would do anything for her brother and accompanying Natalie.

Natalie and Brian's talk was cut short when Natalie's smartphone suddenly rang out-of-the-blue. Natalie quickly answered it without checking out who the caller was. Chloe guessed that she must have felt guilty for startling everyone.

"Jevon?" Natalie said.

Chloe's eyebrows knitted together out of anger when she heard Jevon's name. Natalie was smiling as she spoke with Jevon. From the way Natalie is speaking, Jevon must have just been worried that Natalie was gone and wasn't home last night. The butler must have informed him. Of course. The butler must have informed Jevon, he's her ex-boyfriend after all. Jealousy crept in again and as usual, Chloe would suppress the feeling. They're friends right now. Her parents even like Natalie, especially her brother. If things were to go awkward with them, not only would her parents be sad, Brian would be disappointed. He did take a liking on Natalie. They already did promise to not speak another word about it again, but after their break-up, hope entered Chloe. Chloe sighed and focused her gaze towards the window. They were almost at the kart racing place. She was later nudged by Natalie who seemed to have noticed her sudden gloom.

" You alright darling?" Natalie said which made her mother turn her head and father flinched.

Chloe was worried that her parents were misinterpreting what Natalie said. She thought of the most possible solution for it. She knew that she would be hurt by it, but she didn't want to misinterpret it. It would only give her hope and later break her heart.

" Who called?" Chloe asked, loud enough for her parents to hear even though the music has been playing.

Natalie flinched and opened her mouth only to close it again. Chloe raised her eyebrow. She was confused as to why Natalie would hesitate to confirm that Jevon's her girlfriend. She settled to the thought that Natalie might have just been caught off guard at the moment. Chloe lightly bumped Natalie's tight with hers signaling her to answer. Natalie crossed her legs and looked away from Chloe.

" He's my ex-boyfriend, but we're friends to be exact," Natalie said loud enough for Chloe's parents to hear.

Chloe smiled slightly when she heard Nalatie used the word 'ex-boyfriend' to describe Jevon. Natalie's officially single, and she would take this chance. Books often portray someone else chasing and pursuing the cold partner, but in this case, it looks like she'll be the one to do it.

" We're here," Harvey says, breaking the silence.


They walked towards the ticket booth to get their tickets that Alice had booked the prior week. It was a good thing that the owner of the place was Alice's high school friend. She was able to book another one for Natalie a while ago. The place has been popular with people of any age group from locals to tourists. It is a good practice of having a booking system to not make it too crowded for their customers to enjoy. There's a gigantic sign at the top of the ticket booth that says Blaze Kating. Annie handed the tickets to them each. Chloe noticed that Natalie and her ticket were different from her parents' and Brian's. Natalie and she got a ticket that is color read with the world Extreme while the other three have the blue ones with Kiddie on it. Chloe looked at her mother who only smiled apologetically at her.

Chloe felt her blood rising. She couldn't believe that her mother planned it. Maybe it was just a last-minute thing. She must have rebooked it. The owner of course was happy to do so. The Extreme ticket costs much more than the Kiddie one. All her life Chloe only got the Kiddie one even though she was persistent in wanting to get the Extreme one, but this time it's an exception. One day she'll get Natalie to accept a date with her.

" Harvey and I have to look out for Brian. You both can race at the adult track." Alice said as she pulled Harvey and Brian towards the Kiddie track.

The Kiddie track was not only for kids, but they also have karts that fit an adult, mostly for parents who are accompanying their children. As for the Extreme track, it's usually for those who are on a date or friends.

" Follow me," Chloe said in her usual way. There was no warmth to be seen from her face as if the old Chloe's back again.

Chloe at the moment is trying to compose herself. She has never felt vulnerable like this before. Her brain is trying to calm her emotions, but her heart isn't listening. She gathered her courage.

" Can I pursue you?" Chloe asked.

Natalie almost choked out of her saliva. She never guessed that Chloe would be this straight forward.

" I want to stay friends with you, but I won't stop you from doing so," Natalie said, avoiding Chloe's gaze.

Chloe smiled. She got a yes, allowing her to pursue Natalie. She didn't know how but she would do her best. Her younger self would laugh at her if she saw her being all lovey-dovey towards Natalie. 

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