Chapter 29

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Quote for the chapter:

"Relationships dont always make sense. Especially from the outside"

― Sarah Dessen


Chloe's head was heavy, and everything around her was blurry. Her body is hot, yet she felt cold. Chloe covered herself with multiple blankets to help ease her body's shivers. Chloe inhaled heavily, it was difficult to breathe with a cold. She took out an inhaler and hoped for the best. Let's just say, the inhaler made it better compared to before. Even though she could breathe properly, her head is still killing her as if small needles are pricking her head every second. Chloe lied down and closed her eyes hoping that the dizziness would fade eventually. This was definitely the worst time possible to have a fever and a cold. She could be at the party with her friends and most importantly see Natalie. Chloe groaned, mad at herself. She was sick on her bed, yet she's thinking of Natalie. She wanted to see what kind of outfit Natalie would wear to the party. Most of all, it's the cheerleading celebration party. She didn't care if people would gossip about her. She was sure people would be talking about how the student council president bailed on them. The fact that she's more worried that Natalie might think that she wanted to avoid the blonde made her heart sting. Surely her friends would inform Natalie, they're friends now. Chloe's lips curled up at the thought of Natalie. She was indeed looking forward to seeing Natalie at the party, sadly she suddenly caught a fever when she woke up in the morning. Chloe shifted to her left. She slowly was unable to keep her eyes open and later saw darkness.

Chloe woke up soon after taking a nap. She shifted her body to face her right side. There she saw a blonde beautiful girl wearing a perfect navy midnight blue crop top exposing her belly button paired with a light peach pencil skirt. Natalie was playing with her smartphone.

" You're up darling?" Natalie said, putting her smartphone inside her handbag.

Chloe was puzzled. Was she dreaming of Natalie? Surely even though their friends, Natalie won't just bust in here to see her solely because she caught a fever and a cold. Her mind must be playing tricks with her especially how exotic Natalie is right now. Her hair was arranged into a messy bun that made her look rather breathtaking. Chloe still assumes that this is all a dream, grinned from ear to ear.

" You really look rather fabulous yourself," Chloe said, still lying on the bed.

Natalie chuckled at how adorable Chloe is acting right now. She for sure wanted to make a record of how silly Chloe's face is right now.

" You really turn me on." Chloe continued and raised the blanket to cover her upper face shyly.

Chloe that moment felt her body heat increase, especially at her face. She wasn't dreaming. Natalie who sat on the chair near here showed a confused face. Natalie must have been befuddled. Chloe felt sheepish. Luckily she is suffering from a fever, and her face already was initially burning. Chloe sneezed and sniffed. Her cold is making her look worse in front of Natalie.

" I'll go down and get you some congee. It'll make you feel better." Natalie smiled and got her ass off the chair and off down the stairs.

Chloe was embarrassed that Natalie saw her like that. Her usual composed face is nowhere to be seen right now. She felt vulnerable. It's not often that she gets sick, but when she does, it is often more severe than an average person's. Chloe wanted to fall asleep but she was unable to. She's been in bed the whole day. She even missed lunch because of her fever, let's not forget her stubborn ass. She chose to sleep over her meals which is essential to her since her body needs the nutrients to combat her fever.

Natalie shouldn't be here. Chloe thought. She should be at the party not here to nurse her. For all she knows, Natalie might catch her cold and her fever. She didn't want Natalie to walk in her house healthy and leave with a fever. There's nothing she could do. Her body felt heavy and her head was dizzy. She couldn't even breathe properly, and talking would exhaust her.

Her mother and her father were enjoying their Saturday Time alone by themselves whenever they could while his brother, Brian, was over at his friends' house since Chloe's feverish, and wouldn't be able to play with him. Hopefully, her health would improve tomorrow seeing that tomorrow is their family day, well, more like Netflix and chill at home with the family. They would often watch Netflix or bake at home as their bonding time, and occasionally go out for a stroll at the park. They would rarely go to the mall, just like her father, she enjoys places where there are fewer people. Well, eating out doesn't fit the description, but she loved a fine Chinese restaurant next town over. They serve one of a kind Lo Mein that Chloe enjoys. It's composed of thin soft noodles with veggies and meat. Brian on the other hand prefers soft and sweet Buchi which is a chewy dessert filled with peanut butter or ube. Chloe's stomach grumbled at the thought of Chinese cuisine.

Natalie came in with a tray of congee. Chloe's family must be having dinner already. She wondered whether Natalie had eaten yet or not. The congee smelled delicious. It contained some ginger and bits of chicken meat. It's the only thing she looks forward to when she's sick. Natalie sat on the chair and moved closer to her.

"Can you sit up?" Natalie asked.

Chloe sat up, her head still heavy. She hoped that the steam of the congee would help her breathe properly again. She was ready to gobble down the congee. What surprised her is when Natalie blew on the spoonful of congee and said, " Open up."

Chloe's mouth opened on its own and Natalie fed her. She felt warm inside when the congee slid down her throat into her stomach. Chloe wanted to snatch the spoon away from Natalie, but she doesn't have the energy to do so considering that she skipped her lunch. She opened her mouth and swallowed the congee consecutively. Her heart feels warm.

Natalie felt her stomach twisting as she watched Chloe slowly eat the congee she' feeding her. Chloe's sluggishly opening her mouth and slowly meeting the spoon to eat the congee. Natalie tried not to look, but the way Chloe swallows the congee and is heating up makes it look sexier than the normal Chloe. It's as if Chloe was breathing heavily after good sex. Natalie felt heat creeping on her face. She shook the thought away. It's not proper to think of a sick person that way. A smile crept from her lips. She was able to feed Chloe again.

"Thank you," Chloe said with a sheepish smile after she has finished all her congee.

Natalie went downstairs to put the tray and the emptied bowl of congee in the sink. Leaving Chloe there sitting alone in her bedroom. Chloe lied back down while keeping her eyes open. It's been a long time since someone fed her when she was sick. Her mother usually fed her when she was young. It all stopped when she turned ten years of age. She felt old enough to take care of herself. Her mother respected her decisions and would leave her meals to herself. She liked the thought of Natalie feeding her, and she wouldn't mind getting sick if Natalie would feed her again. She felt the warmth, the sweetness, and the slight stickiness of the congee. Her mind suddenly thought of a familiar woman licking her slim long fingers covered with a white sticky substance. She felt her face burning like the sun despite feeling cold. How could she think of that despite being sick? Chloe shook her head and regretted it later on. It made her vision blurry than ever. Then it struck her, she needed to take her medicine.

Chloe removed her blanket and walked towards her study desk. She grabbed the pills and swallowed them with a glass of water. Chloe felt it hard to breathe again and grabbed the inhaler from her pocket. She opened it and inhaled as if it could be her last breath. After a few moments, she was able to breathe normally again.

" Why are you standing up? Come back and lie down darling." Natalie said worriedly.

"Thanks for this, for feeding me." Chloe slipped back into her bed and covered herself with blankets. With the thought of Natalie staying overnight over-joyed her.

"Want to stay over? You can use my clothes." Chloe managed to utter.

Nicole chuckled. How cute. Natalie thought. 

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