chapter fourteen

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Daniel sighed as he walked into the house, he was happy to be home, but he was just exhausted from his day at work

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Daniel sighed as he walked into the house, he was happy to be home, but he was just exhausted from his day at work.

It had been two days since the wonderful date with Tyra and he hadn't had any alone time with her since. The day after their date, he was put over the newest development at work, he was grateful because that meant more money, but it was keeping away from his children and Tyra.

As he hung his keys and jacket on the hooks, all he wanted to do was dive face-first into his bed, but as he walked further into the house he spotted Tyra reading a book on the couch.

This was his chance to spend time with her, but he had work in the morning and if he didn't get to bed he would definitely have a hard time waking up in the morning.

"Hi, sweetheart," He said, deciding to spend time with her. He'd much rather have a little time with her that he'd enjoy, over going straight to bed.

Tyra placed her book down and smiled. "Hi!" She waved gracefully.

Daniel walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to her. "Oh, I see that you're reading the book I got you," He noted and leaned back into the couch relishing the feeling of just sitting next to the woman that he was crazy about.

Tyra nodded and crossed her feet on the couch. "I haven't had the time to just sit and read since you gave it to me, I'm really enjoying it!" Her eyes matched the soft smile on her face.

She illuminated beauty in every way that was possible. Daniel could never get over how attracted he was to her. "That's great, I'm glad that you like it," He said and just watched her. He could watch her twenty-four-seven if she'd let him, in a totally normal way. "You look beautiful," He admired and she blushed.

She blushed a lot, it was so cute to him.

"Thank you," She said after looking down at herself. "How was your day?" She asked and he sighed.

"It was a day." He said nonchalantly, honestly not wanting to think about his day. "I don't want to hear myself talking, I'd much rather hear about your day. What did you do?" He asked and gave her his full attention.

She bit her lip and leaned back on the couch, hiding herself a little with a pillow.

"I want to see you, Tyra." Daniel insisted and pulled her up and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Perfect," He teased and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"I hope that you're happy," She huffed and he kissed her cheek. "Very," He smiled widely as she blushed.

"Whatever," She covered her face with a pillow. "This morning I made some french toast and crepes for the kids, Gianna brought some for a snack at school, and Grant and I gave the rest to some homeless men we met at the park. They were really nice guys, just got off track, but by God's grace, they're better than they've ever been. It was nice to hear their stories and still see their faith in God hasn't wavered," A smile graced her face, which he only saw partially due to the pillow on her face.

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