bonus chapter: a walk to remember

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"Daniel, would you watch a movie with me?" Tyra walked into his office and held up a DVD

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"Daniel, would you watch a movie with me?" Tyra walked into his office and held up a DVD.

Daniel was working from home, he did that to get more time with Tyra and his kids, but sometimes he was taken away from important work because he didn't like saying no. And right now, he wasn't going to say no.

"Of course, sweetheart. What are we watching?" He asked.

Tyra clapped her hands and squealed in delight. "Goodie! I'm so glad you said yes! So, remember that book you got me? The one you bought for yourself too? A Walk To Remember?" She rambled and sat on his desk.

He nodded and pulled the book from his desk drawer. "Yes, I haven't finished it. I'm sorry, I just don't have much time to read recreationally," It was a nice read, but it was certainly a cheesy read. Just very cliche.

"It's okay! Watching the movie will sum up the book for you anyway," She waved her hand. "I'll put it on in the living room, but a fair warning, you may cry," She kissed his cheek and hopped off the desk. "Don't be too long,"

"I'll be right out," He told her and she walked down to the living room.

He most likely wasn't going to cry. The book was dull so far, yet he was fond of the girl character. She was boring, yet she had such a bright light that shone in her heart. It was nice to read about a character with a little depth.

He looked at the project he was organizing and sighed. "This will just have to wait," He closed his laptop and walked to the living room.

Tyra had the DVD loaded on the tv and a bowl of popcorn. "Oh, you're down soon! I'm glad though, you're really gonna enjoy the movie." She tapped the couch cushion next to her which he gladly took.

"Where are the kids?" He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned her head against him.

"You're warm," She leaned closer to him. "They're taking naps, which is really weird, but I'm not upset. Give us time to watch this awesome tear-jerker," She wiggled her shoulders and pressed play on the remote.


Daniel wiped his eyes and huffed angrily. "Cursed movie," He mumbled.

Tyra giggled and wiped her tears away. "I told you," She held his face and kissed him. "Don't worry, you'll feel better after a few hours," She teased.

"I don't understand how someone could willingly watch this movie knowing good and well that Jamie is gonna die," Daniel was outdone by Nicholas Sparks. "I think I'm going to burn my copy," He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's a beautiful story, Daniel. That's why I watch it." Tyra said softly and held his hand to her heart. "It's silly to compare, but when I watch The Passion of the Christ, I go into it knowing that my Jesus is going to get beat and hurt for the sake of me, but as I cry I'm thankful more than anything," She said thoughtfully. "It's such a beautiful, yet heartbreaking reality,"

Daniel sighed. "You're right, sweetheart. God, I love you and your wonderful mind." He kissed her cheek. "I guess I should thank you for asking me to watch this with you," He held her tightly. "That song Jamie sang was neat. Can you sing like that?"

Tyra laughed and shook her head. "You're a joker, Daniel. I wish that I could sing like Mandy Moore, but God didn't give me that talent, though when we sing He doesn't hear our voice, He hears our heart. So, to answer your question, no. But, it doesn't matter because God loves my voice regardless," She was at peace with her answer and Daniel loved seeing it.

Her eyes creased due to her gentle smile, God, she was a beautiful woman.

"I love you,"

Her eyes glittered with joy. "I love you too," She hummed and rested in his arms. "Thanks for watching it with me," Her eyes fluttered as she fought sleep.

"Thank you for being with me," He answered and placed a blanket over her. "God knew how much I needed someone like you," He kissed her temple. "Blessed me for sure," And now, she was asleep like a sweet angel.

God knew for sure.

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