chapter seventeen

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"Oh, wow

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"Oh, wow. Mother didn't tell me that she was bringing in some eye-candy," Hollyn, Gloria's daughter said with a flirtatious look in her eyes as she opened the front door.

Just as he promised, Daniel was having dinner with Gloria and his children. However, he wasn't mentally prepared to deal with Hollyn. She made him very uncomfortable.

Instead of responding, Daniel went to the kitchen where he found his two angels playing with a little girl.

"Angels, daddy's here!" He sang and the kids jumped up and ran into his arms. "Oh, I missed you two so much!" He murmured and pressed a kiss onto their heads.

Gianna squeezed his neck and sighed. "I missed you too, but daddy, do we have to stay here tomorrow? Mrs. Gloria's daughter is weird," She whispered.

"Oh, what happened?"

"She's weird!" Grant answered for Gianna. "She, she said that she was going to be our new mommy. That's not true," He shook his head exasperatedly.

Daniel rolled his eyes. "That surely isn't true. I'll just bring you both to work with me," He had just gotten to Gloria's house, but he was already sick of being there.

"Can we go home now?" Gianna asked, but before he could answer, Gloria spoke.

"Hi, Daniel! The food's ready," She smiled and he tried not to cringe. He wanted to leave, but he wanted to be nice.

"Great, we'll go wash our hands," He responded with fake enthusiasm.

He took Gianna and Grant's hands and led them to the bathroom.

"I know that you two want to leave, but I promised Mrs. Gloria that we would stay for dinner. I promise that we'll leave as soon as we're done," Daniel kneeled to their height and ruffled their hair.

Gianna frowned and Grant huffed.

"Let's wash our hands," He instructed them and they did as he said.

The kids walked out of the bathroom sulking, it was funny, but Daniel knew that they weren't just being overly dramatic.

Hollyn peeped her head from the dining room and smiled at Daniel. "We're waiting for you, handsome," She drawled and fluttered her lashes.

Daniel grimaced and led his children into the dining room.

Gloria had an array of food set on the table and it all looked delicious, but as Gianna and Grant took their seats, Daniel was unsettled at the fact that the only seat available was next to Hollyn.

He took the seat and made sure to scoot his seat a little to the left. "This looks delicious, Gloria," Daniel said gratefully.

Gloria winked and shook her head. "Thank you, dear. My sweet Hollyn helped me out," Her voice sugary sweet.

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