chapter nineteen

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"Tyra, you can't just bake away your problems

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"Tyra, you can't just bake away your problems. Please, just tell me what's wrong!" Yasmin demanded and pulled the baking powder away from Tyra.

Tyra glared at her and jerked the baking powder from her. "Don't tell me what to do. I'm not upset, I just want cake." She defended herself and went back to her bowl.

She was lying through her teeth. She was barely holding it together and Yasmin wasn't helping by bugging her. It broke her heart to see Mr. Watts kiss that woman. She was already insecure about their unidentified relationship and the kiss was the cherry on top.

She was excited to finally get home and see the people she loved, but now she wasn't quite sure if she could ever go back to that house. It would hurt too much to see him again. But she'd definitely miss the children. Within the four months she had been with them, she grew to love them.

"Snap out of it. You can't keep this in, you have to talk about it. What happened?" Yasmin pressed and placed her hand on Tyra's shoulder. "Don't shut me out," She emphasized empathetically.

Tyra dropped the measuring spoon and tears blurred her vision. She didn't want to feel this way, but God, it hurt so bad. "I'm fine." Her chin trembled as she spoke.

Yasmin took her hand and squeezed it. "You aren't, doll."

"I--it hurts," Tyra wheezed and clutched her heart.

Yasmin cooed and wrapped her arms around her heartbroken friend. "You're going to be okay," She murmured and walked her to the living room. "I'll be right back," She promised and hurried to the hall closet and grabbed three blankets.

She handed one to Tyra and spread out one across their laps. "Perfect," She whispered and then looked to her best friend. "What happened? You can tell me,"

Tyra wrapped herself up in the blanket and grit her teeth. Just thinking about what happened made her anxious and upset. "Yasmin," She said softly. "I got home a couple of days early, and he was kissing some woman." She spat out and wiped her tears. "It hurt so much to see, I didn't understand why he would do something like that," She clenched her fists. "Why would a man go through so much trouble to make someone like him, if he was just going to kiss someone else?" She asked mostly to herself.

Yasmin gasped softly and shook her head out of shock. The man was so enthralled with Tyra, he doted on her, he gave her gifts, and admired her, so why would he do something like that?

"I'm not doubting you or belittling your feelings in any way, but are you sure that he kissed her? I mean, yeah he hasn't exactly verbally told you how he felt, but he's shown you in every other way. Maybe she kissed him," Yasmin hoped that there were two sides to this story.

"H--he said that she kissed him, but I don't know! It's just that I was already upset about not knowing how he feels, and then when I saw them kissing, my mind, my heart, everything felt betrayed and just so hurt! I feel so stupid! I--I was gonna tell him about my anxiety and everything, but now," Tyra bit her lip and ran her fingers through her hair. "I could forgive him, but I don't know if I trust him. I'm so scared, Yas. Why didn't he just tell me how he felt? I don't like playing the guessing game," She closed her eyes and leaned back onto the couch.

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