Tenerife Sea (Request)

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Author's Note: Please read the note at the end.

NOTE: The scene is taking place in a yacht.

"I-I am sorry", Harry said.

"No. Please don't. You don't even mean it. I don't even want your pity. I should've known this would never work. I knew this relationship was doomed from the start. I just didn't think it would be so soon", I replied as I tried to hold back my tears.

"Why are you saying this, Jala? That's not true. I love you, I'm just not in love with you."

"I get it, Harry. I'm not the most amazing person on this earth, but I just thought we could work this even with what I thought would happen. Guess, I have too high expectations."

"Don't say that-"

"Would just leave!? I'm trying so hard not to punch you square in the face. Get out!", I yelled.

He sighed and left. I picked up our photo frame and threw it at the wall. The next was the lamp.

I let out a blood curdling scream as tears started to fall down my cheeks.

I looked at the mirror to see my blurry reflection.

"You did this! I'm so sorry for you! You're just nothing. Nothing", I muttered as my voice started to break and I let out a sob.

It was over. Everything was over.


I had fallen asleep sometime at night and woke up around 12 noon. I rubbed my eyes and got dressed.

I walked up to the top of the deck and waited for breakfast. I would have to see Harry, I knew that. I just hoped it wouldn't be soon.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday", I heard his raspy voice.

I didn't really think it was important to reply so I ignored him.


"Can you not?", I replied.

"Don't do this to yourself."

"I'm not doing anything to myself, Harry."

"Jala- I didn't mean it."

"Yeah right. Don't pity me, Styles."

"I really didn't. I'm sorry. I thought I did. But I didn't-", he said coming to stand in front of me, "-mean it. I just love you so much. And when left to sleep in the other room, I just missed your smell and how you would hide your face in my chest whenever you have a nightmare. I'm so in love with you."

"Are you bipolar now? Please decide what you want Harry. I can't just be so pained one time and happy the next to feel pain again the next moment. Either you love me or you don't. Decide."

"I love you. Always you. I was just fucking stupid. I love you only you."

"This is the only chance you get, Styles. If this ever happens again then I'm done. We'll be over."

"Never", he grinned.



Dedicated to @Jala-1D

I hope you like it!

So the important part: I won't be able to take requests for a two months since I have exams. No, that doesn't mean I'll stop taking requests. Anyone who wants an Imagine can dm me and I'll work on your imagine as soon as I'm back.

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Harry Styles Sad imagineWhere stories live. Discover now