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Bury The Light (Male Faunus!Vergil!Reader x Pyrrha Nikos)

Part 16

A day has passed since the first match, (Y/N) walks through the hallway and sees Dante leaning on wall outside Team RWBY's dorm room. He walked to him and his brother greeted him.



(Y/N):"So..what'd they say?"

Dante:"I spoke with the General earlier. Said they had no choice but to disqualify her."

(Y/N):"Yesterday's events was...odd."

Dante:"Yang would never do that. I know she wouldn't."


(Y/N) then began thinking of something before looking at his brother.

(Y/N):"Something felt off about that match. It's like...someone wanted her lose."

Dante:"I guess so. I'm not sure. I'll have to talk to her later about it."

(Y/N):"By the way, I ran into someone named Qrow Branwen the other day. Says he trained you ever since you were little?"

Dante:"Huh. So the old man's here as well,eh? Might as well try to talk to him."

The door soon opened as RWB step out of the door before closing it behind them.

Ruby:"She needs you right now. More than ever."

Dante nodded  as RWB walked away.

Dante:"Well, I have to talk to Yang now. See ya around?"

(Y/N):"Of course. See you around, Dante."

Dante later entered the room to see Yang sitting on her bed,not looking him in the eye. He approaches her and knelt at her feet as he leaned in close to her and crossed his arms over her lap.


Yang then looks at him and he caresses her cheek.

Dante:"You okay."


Suddenly, tears started to roll down her face as she hugs him tightly and wraps his arms around her neck. Dante does the same thing and comforts her.

Dante:"It's okay,it's okay. I'm here for you, Yang. Just let it all out."

Yang:"He attacked me first and I had to defend myself but I didn't mean to hurt him like that!"

Tears started to wet Dante's shoulder as he rubbed her back,comforting her. Meanwhile,(Y/N) walked back to his dorm where his teammates began talking to Pyrrha.

Nora:"No more moping around!"

She backs away to the other side of the room, and returns,now clad in pink workout clothes and sweatbands, as she points to Pyrrha.

Nora:"We gotta get your butt in shape for the big fight!"

Nora then began doing some random excercises.

Nora:"It could be today, it could be tomorrow, it could be the most important fight of your entire life!"


Ren:"Nora's right."

(Y/N) and Pyrrha look to see Ren wearing a pink apron saying "PLEASE DO NOTHING TO THE COOK"

Bury The Light (Male Faunus!Vergil!Reader x Pyrrha Nikos)Where stories live. Discover now