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Bury The Light (Male Faunus!Vergil!Reader x Pyrrha Nikos)

Part 24

Back at Oniyuri, Tyrian pulls his scorpion tail back as Qrow turns around, swinging his weapon and holding at the ready by his side.

Tyrian:"As I live and breathe, Qrow Branwen. A true Huntsman has entered the fray!"

???:"He's not the only one."

Tyrian looks behind to see Ozpin. Pyrrha and the others looks up ahead to see their headmaster.

Ren:"Is that.."


Tyrian looks at Qrow and Ozpin and laughs gleefully.

Tyrian:"Well isn't this so much exciting! You won't know how delighted she will be when I kill you."

Ruby gets up and sets Crescent Rose on its end as Qrow glances back at her.

Ruby:"I don't know, this guy's weird."

Ozpin:"Tyrian Callows, I assume? What does your Queen want this time?"

Tyrian:"Oh, same as always. Bringing her own spawns back to her."

Ozpin:"I see."

Ozpin then takes out his cane.

Ozpin:"But I'm afraid it won't be that simple."

Tyrian:"*laughs* Good to know."

Tyrian then rushes at Ozpin and the two began to fight. Qrow rushes in as well as Tyrian glances back and began fighting him as well. Somewhere, (Y/N) and Dante clashed their weapons with Grigio until the three of them lock weapons.

Grigio then pushes them away and fires a blast at Dante which sent him back.


Dante crashed into a wall as Grigio taunts (Y/N).

Grigio:"Come on."

(Y/N) surges forward and the two began clashing their weapons at each other. The Knight swung his sword at (Y/N) but he dodges and manages to unleash a countless amount of strikes at Grigio before equipping Force Edge to send him back with a Stinger.

Grigio got up as (Y/N) then equips Beowulf to send lightning fast kicks at him and ends it with a double roundhouse kick. The Knight grunted as Dante teleports behind him.

The brothers smirk as both of them use their swords to launch Grigio in the air. (Y/N) plummels Grigio with a relentless flurry of strikes while Dante swipes his sword four times before he and (Y/N) slashes down to send Grigio crashing down to the ground.

(Y/N) and Dante lands on the ground as Grigio got up. He teleports on top of a roof and gestures them to follow him. They teleport on top of the roof and the three fought again.

Back with Ozpin, Qrow and Tyrian, the three then clashed their weapons at each other until Tyrian manages to send Ozpin back using his scorpion tail.

Qrow and Tyrian lock their weapons as a roof gets damaged. Tyrian then uses the bullet capability in the gloves of his wrist blades.

NPR and Yang join in, but Tyrian easily gets them away. He moves to chase them, but Qrow intervenes.

Qrow:"Don't come closer!"

Bury The Light (Male Faunus!Vergil!Reader x Pyrrha Nikos)Where stories live. Discover now