Chapter 27

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Raking a hand through chocolate locks the male sighed as he walked further and further into the endless darkness. It was a warm comfort to him. One he craved more than most. A blinding light appeared, disolving the darkness before him. It was burning almost seering off his flesh.

'Buisness of yours now you speak. or peace forever you must hold.' The male shielded his eyes bitting his lip as he felt his flesh burn and heal over and over again.

"I come to seek a way home..."He took a deep breath, to see his wife was all he had to say. The words caught  in his throat, her images flashing through his mind almost as if he wish it were true. The guardian spoke before he could finish.

'She is not yours young one.' 

"I would say who but you mean Luneaye.."

'Indeed I love a good riddle and puzzle yet you puzzle me the most. Why return to a place that brings you despair? ' 

"Because it's the only home I've ever had."

'Can you not make a new one?'

"I could. But then I know home isn't a place it's where the people who you love and who love you are. My brother, My mentor, Luneaye wherever they are is where I'd follow."

'Deep down young one there is another. Another flame who's burns brighter then three combined. '

"I know who you mean."

'Yet you stray as far as possible from them why?'

"For their own protection Guardian."

'I see. Well the beautiful Maiden you place your current love in. Is not yours, and never will be. There is someone out there for you young one. One who's just as you, Cold and devoid of emotion. When you find them only then will you feel joy. Until then consider this a gift. You will feel nothing, no hint of joy or love until you find your true one. 

Heart as cold as night
Light as bright as sight
Brave and true.
Loyal warrior. 

'When you find them only then will you find your true way home. Speak nothing of this to any soul.'  The male bit the inside of his lip, searing golden hues staring into the center of the light as it began to fade into a small woman. Light honey locks, charatreuse green eyes and a light blue dress with hints of green hugging her figure.

'Trust me young one, You will thank me in the future.'. The male chuckled softly, as he shook his head.

"Thank you for what?"

'For giving you a chance at a better future. One that you can truly have. One that is meant for you. Her path is much different from yours now'

"I know it is." The female smiled warmly, before brining the male into her embrace.

'I will give you another thing count it as my blessing, or a curse.' The female delicatley kissed the male's head, as she did so memories upon memories flooded his head. The dreams he had in the present past weren't dreams, but memories trying to remind him of who he once was. Who she was, the past they shared.

"Who are you?..."

'I am Dianetha Claira. Ethernal Primordial Goddess of future, Past, Present, time, Fate, Destiney and space.'

"I see....I think I've heard your story before...." The female's smile faded slightly.

'You have?....'

"You were in the first war, Ethernal's no longer walk this earth as their blood lines we're tainted making Embodiments, Goddesses, Gods, Primordials. You were beside King Alaric fighting for one pure nation, on your last battle you fell through a portal dragging every beast on the field with you, and you were married to the General Prince Octavian Octavious" The male watched as tears threatened to spill from the female's chartreuse green eyes.

'....Is he well?...'

"I don't know." The female unclipped the necklace hanging around her neck begore she lifted the male's hand placing the delicate rose chalconey crystal in his hand pressing it into the palm of his hand before closing his fingers.

'When you think of someone, while holidng this crystal it will temporarily allow you to regain emotion, you will not truly feel it nor anything ever for a long time. But it will only work if you have a strong emotion towards that person, and a strong connection to them as well.' The male hugged the female, as she hugged back.

"Thank you Queen Dianetha." She shook her head.

'No, Thank you young one.' The female waved her hand slightly as a portal appeared.

'Think where you wish to go and the portal will take you there. If you ever feel a need to return you have the key and are always welcome here.' The female handed him two keys, one in case he needed to ever return to the dragon realm more than once and another key to return to the guardianship real. The male nodded before walking through the port, not before looking back and offering a warm smile to her. The male stumbled through the portal to see three people, Luneaye, Zariel and his mentor.

"You three are....just.. impossible to keep track of-." Lunettea, Zariel and Jasper had turned to him.

"ATLAS Your safe!!!!" The three practically flew themselves at him as he was thrown to the ground being smoothered by three people. He slightly shifted to pat them but not hug them back. His brother had hugged him tighter as a result causing him to wince slightly.

"Could you idiots get off and let go I haven't healed yet." They all backed off of him, Luneaye holding on a little longer before letting go.

  [xxxxxxxxxx Memory End xxxxxxxxxxxx]
The three just stared at the male in shock as he yawned. Though some of his memory skipped such as the conversation between Dianetha and him. The male had stood to recieve the letter in the wind. Though two of the three failed to notice it, as they were still trying to comprehend what had happened. Lunettea walked behind Atlas resting her head on his shoulder, sending a slight sparks flying, as she read the letter with him. He seemed to pause his eyes scanning over the words over and over again. Jasper and Rai finally snapping out of it, spoke quietly.

"What's that?" Lunettea simply shook her head. As the male simply slid the letter across the table leaving the room. She sighed as she sat beside both again. Rai read the letter shaking his head.

"He's really making Atlas go?...For a crown that's his?" Jasper clasped his hands together resting his chin on the base of his palms.

"I guess so but the choice is ultimatley up to Atlas." The three looked to one another, before the female stood up. Following the path Atlas had taken. Would he really go?

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