The Adventures of Marko

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Narrator: This is a story about this boy Marko stunt and his adventures...
Marko stunt got lost in the Jungle.

Marko Stunt: I'm lost! I don't know where I am?

Narrator: Marko kelp on walking until..
Marko stunt bumped into a man with curly hair and he looks like Tarzan...

  Marko stunt: Hello, who are you?

Jungle Boy: Hi, I'm Jungle Boy and nice to meet you.

Narrator: Marko stunt and Jungle Boy shook hands..

Marko stunt: where am I? And how did I get here?

Jungle Boy: We're in the Jungle silly goose.

Narrator: Marko giggles at Jungle Boy.

Jungle Boy: Hey! You gotta meet my best friend.

Marko stunt: Great! Another human...

Jungle Boy: He's not human.

Marko stunt: what is he then?

Jungle Boy: He's a dinosaur.

Marko stunt: What The What!?

Jungle Boy: Don't worry. He's the friendliness dinosaur you've ever met.

Narrator: Jungle boy shows Marko his best Dino friend.

Jungle Boy: Marko please meet my dino friend his name is Luchasaurus.

Narrator: Marko was nervous meeting Luchasaurus.

Marko stunt: Hello Luchasurus, my name is Marko stunt.

Luchasaurus: Nice to meet you Marko stunt.

Narrator: Marko smiles and felt more and more comfortable with Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus

To be continued...

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