Love Story (Marko & Jungle Boy) part 3

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Narrator: Marko continues to hug and rubs Jungle Boy's back to comfort him.

Marko stunt: Jungle Boy it's gonna be okay. Luchasaurus just don't understand.

Jungle Boy: *looks at Marko with his teary eyes* I have a feeling that Luchasaurus not gonna except us as a couple.

Marko stunt: *wipes Jungle Boy's tears* You got me does that matter?

Jungle Boy: *smiles and kissed Marko's cheek and continued to hug*

8 Hours Later

Narrator: Marko and Jungle Boy sat down and snuggled with each other.

Jungle Boy: Marko?

Marko stunt: Yes dear?

Jungle Boy: I wanna be with you forever if Luchasaurus likes it or not.

Marko stunt: *smiles at Jungle Boy* Me too sweetie.

Narrator: Marko lays on Jungle Boy's chest as they snuggle the rest of the night.

The Next Day

Narrator: Luchasaurus storms back to Jungle Boy's tree house.

Luchasaurus: *Roars to get them attention*

Narrator: Jungle Boy is still sleeping. Marko wakes up and Look at the front door and it was Luchasaurus

Marko stunt: What do you what Luchasaurus?

Luchasaurus: I wanna apologize for my actions.

Marko stunt: Jungle Boy is still sleeping.

Luchasaurus: can you please wake him up.

Narrator: Marko wakes up Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy wakes up and Look at the front door and it was Luchasaurus.

Jungle Boy: what is it Luchasaurus?

Luchasaurus: I wanna say I'm sorry for my actions. I was over-protective cuz you like a son to me and the thing that's going on between you and Marko. I approve it. Please for give me. I'm so sorry Marko and Jungle Boy.

Narrator: Jungle Boy looks at Marko.

Marko stunt: do you wanna forgive Luchasaurus? I know I do.

Jungle Boy: I wanna forgive Luchasaurus cuz he is like my dad after all.

Narrator: Marko and Jungle Boy both smiles at each other then looks at Luchasaurus.

Both Jungle Boy and Marko: we forgive you Luchasaurus

Luchasaurus: *smiles* I'm glad you guys forgive me.

Narrator: So, Marko and Jungle Boy forgive Luchasaurus and Marko and Jungle Boy lived happily ever after.


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