Love story (Marko & Jungle Boy) part 1

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Narrator: Marko holds Jungle Boy's hand and go find Luchasaurus.

Luchasaurus: where the f**k we're you guys?? I was worried sick.

Jungle Boy: Marko and I we're just talking. Not a big deal.

Marko stunt: we were Luchasaurus. We honestly did talked.

Narrator: Luchasaurus notices Marko holding Jungle Boy's hand.

Luchbsaurus: Are you sure?

Jungle Boy: we did talk. Why are you so over-protective all of the sudden?

Narrator: Luchasaurus didn't say anything about it. Just stare at Marko and Jungle Boy's holding hands.

Luchasaurus: *Just stares at Marko's and Jungle Boy's hands then takes off*

Marko stunt: *looks at Jungle Boy* What's wrong with Luchasaurus?

Jungle Boy: I don't know.

Narrator: So, Jungle Boy and Marko tries to find Luchasaurus.

Jungle Boy: Luchasaurus!!!!

Marko stunt: Luchasaurus! WHERE ARE YOU?!

Narrator: Luchasaurus was nowhere in sight.

Jungle Boy: Marko I'm so freaking tired 😴.

Marko stunt: we need some where to sleep.

Jungle Boy: I can find where to sleep. Follow me.

To be continued....

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