Love story (Marko & Jungle Boy) part 2

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Narrator: Marko follows Jungle Boy and saw a tree house.

Jungle Boy: Here's my home. *Jungle Boy climbs up to the top*
Come on Marko!

Marko stunt: I'm coming! *starts to climb up to Jungle Boy*

Narrator: Jungle Boy feels upset about Luchasaurus.

Marko stunt: *sits down next to Jungle Boy* What's wrong? *Marko rubs Jungle Boy's back to comfort him*

Jungle Boy: *starts crying on Marko's shoulder* I think Luchasaurus hate me.

Marko stunt: *continues to rub Jungle Boy's back* why do you think that??

Jungle Boy: *continues to cry on Marko's shoulder*

Marko stunt: *hugs Jungle Boy* Just give Luchasaurus some time. He will come back I'm sure.

Jungle Boy: *looks at Marko with his teary eyes*

Marko stunt: *wipes Jungle Boy's tears off his face* Let's get some sleep okay sweetie.

Jungle Boy: *nods and lays on Marko's chest still teary eyed*

Marko stunt: *continues to rub Jungle Boy's back* everything is gonna be okay.

Narrator: Marko and Jungle Boy sleeping together for the 1st time.

The Next Morning

Narrator: Marko got up and let Jungle Boy sleep. Marko felt bad for Jungle Boy last night so Marko made Jungle Boy breakfast in bed.

Marko stunt: *carries 2 plates of food and places them on a handmade bamboo nightstand and the tries to wake up Jungle Boy* Jungle Boy wake up sweetie.

Jungle Boy: *starts to wake up* Good morning Marko. *rubs his eyes to wake up more*

Marko stunt: *smiles at Jungle Boy and kissed his forehead* I made breakfast sweetie. It's on your bamboo nightstand.

Jungle Boy: *smile at Marko and rubs Marko's face as he smiles*

Narrator: Marko and Jungle Boy ate their breakfast.

Jungle Boy: thank you about last night marko.

Marko stunt: anytime. I just can't see you like that. I figure you wanted to snuggle up with me anyways.

Jungle Boy: I really appreciate that Marko so much.

Narrator: all of the sudden, there was a big "Roar!" From the distance.

Jungle Boy: *looks at the front door* Marko! Look.

Marko stunt: *comes to Jungle Boy* it Luchasaurus. I told you Jungle Boy he will come around.

Narrator: Jungle Boy hugs Marko and Marko kisses Jungle Boy. Then Luchasaurus saw Jungle Boy and Marko kissed.

Luchasaurus: what is this!? *both arms folded acrossed*

Jungle Boy: Luchasaurus, let me explai..

Luchasaurus: *interrupts Jungle Boy* you don't need to explain. I'm so mad right now. *Luchasaurus stormed off once again*

Narrator: Jungle Boy ran and hugs and cries on Marko again and Marko tries to comfort him.

Marko stunt: *continues to hug and rubs Jungle Boy's back to comfort him*  Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus just don't understand.

Jungle Boy: *looks at Marko with his teary eyes* I'm glad I have you as my boyfriend, Marko.

Marko stunt: *wipes Jungle Boy's tears* I'm glad I have you as my boyfriend too. You are my life.

To be continued...

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