56. The Flu

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Wherever life plants you,blossomwith grace

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Wherever life plants you,
with grace.

Charlotte's P.O.V

I shifted under the cover, moaning in frustration when the annoying snoozing sound of alarm woke me up from my delightful, loving and heavy sleep. Even though I was a heavy sleeper and wouldn't even wake up even if it's the end of the world, sometimes even a little sound or movement manage to wake me up which annoys me to death because all I want to do is sleep.

Can't a girl just have her beauty sleep?

I slowly raised my head up from the pillow, muttering incoherent words under my breath, cursing at the alarm as if it has just ruined my entire life. I grabbed my phone, stopping the annoying sound from scarring my ears even more.

I checked the time which read 7:35 AM before looking up, hoping to look at something or someone that would brighten my day up but a loud scream left my throat when I saw a scary looking person staring back at me.

Shiver ran down my spine and goosebumps rose all over my body and an unpleasant feeling washed over me. Fear.

The person was under the cover with me, laying on his side, face me while supporting his head on his elbow. His face was the only thing which scared the shit out of me. The face which resembled to none other than...

"BABADOOK! BABADOOK! AHHHHH!" I screamed loudly as I lost my balance and flew across the bed and fell down on the floor.

"AHHH ON MY GOD! AHHHHHH!" I continued screaming trying to crawl away further from the figure.

The dialogue from the movie 'The Babadook' started replaying in my head and I let out a small cry.

"If it's in a word, or it's in a book, you can't get rid of the Babadook"

No no no no no! I'm too young to die.

"I HAVE THE HOLY CROSS WITH ME! GO THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME OR I'LL USE IT AGAINST YOU. GO AWAY!" I added, squeezing my eyes closed as a small cry, but no tears came out at all, erupted my throat and I held my chest for dear life until I heard a familiar laugh which I knew by heart. It was none other than Justin.

Of course it would be him. There was no doubt in that.

He took off the mask as he laughed his ass off.

"YOU FREAKING IDIOT!" I got up from the floor and hit him hard on the head making him lose his balance and fall down from the bed. But that didn't seem to stop him from laughing like a hyena at all. He rolled around on the floor while holding his stomach which was probably aching from laughing so hard. He had tears running down his cheeks from laughing so hard but that never stopped me from giving him a long death glare.

"YOU ARE A DOUCHEBAG!" I yelled at him when he sat back up on the bed, still laughing. "A freaking idiot." I stated before shaking my head, ready to walk away from him.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now