Chapter 3- Getting Nailed in the Head Was the Highlight of My Day

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        A/N: If you didn't read the last chapter before I changed it, instead of just finding someone to ask her to go to prom, it has to be another person with a second life (it makes more sense when you actually read it, it's only a few sentences).

        I wanted to bang my head against a wall. Or punch someone. Or both. I was just so frustrated. Was I just supposed to ask every guy in the school about second life stuff until I found one to ask me to prom, just for the Council's "reality show"? I'm just the frickin' "Real Housewives of Second Lives" for the Council. Or "Keeping Up With Tiffany". Or some other reality show name. They don't understand that 1. I don't have enough time or patience to get a date or 2. I don't even want to go to prom. 

        I was up thinking all night, and I couldn't get any sleep. I totally forgot about everything that I needed to do, for example, sleep. I was instantly snapped back to reality when I got a text from Ariel.

        Yellow skirt and light blue top today.

        At first, I had no idea what she was talking about, but then I remembered that we all had to match every day (I had no idea why, but it probably wasn't a good idea to ask).

        Personally, I thought that a yellow skirt and a blue top would look gross together, but it wasn't my decision.

        I grabbed a random shirt and skirt out of my closet and yanked it on. Congratulations, me, that counts as an outfit. I slipped on a pair of shoes and was about to walk out when I saw my hair. I couldn't even call it hair, it was more like a nest. I ran a brush through my hair then put it in a braid so it wouldn't look as horrible.

        I drove up to the school where I was met by none other than Ariel, Elizabeth, Megan, Avery, and Carly. I forced a smile. "Hey, girls!" I waved. How long until this kills me? Elizabeth waved excitedly. 

        "Good, you dressed right," Ariel said, checking her nails, and barely looking at me. I stepped out of my car and joined the crowd of girls.

        "Now, what we always do is walk in as kind of the 'Fearsome Fivesome', if you will," Avery explained. I had no idea what they meant by that, but I played along.

        "I guess now we can be the 'Shocking Sixsome'!" Elizabeth exclaimed. Megan rolled her eyes.

        "That sounds stupid," she rolled her eyes. So does Fearsome Fivesome... I thought, but I didn't dare to say anything.

        "Anyways," Ariel said, annoyed. "We just walk into the school together and-"

        "And make everyone fear us," Carly joked. Ariel rolled her eyes.

        "But we're already almost going to be late, since about right now is when the halls are most crowded," Avery observed, checking her phone.

        "Okay then." I got out of my car and joined them. "What are we waiting for?"

        Okay, seriously, I have to admit: it felt awesome walking inside as the "heads of the school". Everyone was watching us, and we were looking awesome. As we walked down the halls, one thing I heard more than anything else was "Is that the new girl walking with them?" and whenever someone said that, I would just look over at them, smirk, and wave. They would either turn red or look away. At one point, Carly looked over at one of the people that saw me and laughed.

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