Chapter 1 - How to Survive not Surviving

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DISCLAIMER: Just in case you didn't see on the cover, this is a spin-off of Neonlights1404's (<- that's why this chapter is dedicated to her) The Day I Died, and she knows I made it and all.

DISCLAIMER #2: I didn't purposely copy off Living Barbie, we just happened to have the same idea, and I was halfway through this chapter before I found out about Living Barbie.

Anyway, I hope you like, it, I worked really hard on this story!

The most common fear in the world is death. It makes sense, nobody wants to die, but if you're me, it's the only reason that I live the way I do today.

You know how they say that your life flashes before your eyes before you die? Well, at least for me, the only thoughts going through my head were: HELP ME I'M DYING WHAT AM I GOING TO DO DOESN'T ANYBODY SEE THIS I'M ABOUT TO DIE HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME I'M NEVER GOING TO GET MARRIED OR HAVE KIDS OR MY FIRST KISS OR RANDOMLY BURST INTO SONG HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL STYLE OR BECOME AN OFFICIAL ADULT OR ANYTHING AWESOME LIKE THAT WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME, and I think you get the point. It was like that for what felt like 10 hours, but since it was only a 30 foot drop and gravity is a thing, it probably was somewhere around 10 seconds. So, just so you know, I kinda sorta might've fell off a 30 foot building, no big deal.

Right after my face slammed onto the pavement, I was transported somewhere else. I stood in front of 3 people. I looked around. "Where am I?" I screamed. "Who are you?" The three people glanced at each other.

"We are the Council. We're here to determine your fate," the first one explained. "My name is Fred."

"I'm Bob," the middle one informed me.

"I'm Simon," the third one finished. I thought I might've been going crazy. Or I was asleep. I fell of the building and now I'm in the hospital in a coma, or I'm just sleeping or something. Fred, Bob and Simon stared at me and waited for me to say something.

"Okay..." I answered, unsure. I was still in shock. I'm dead. What do they mean "decide my fate"? Is it whether or not if I'm going to heaven?

"If you'll excuse us, we have to talk in private," Bob informed me before the three of them left the room. I felt like I was going to faint. Could I even faint when I'm dead? I looked down. I still had my dress on from when I died. It was light blue and white. I kind of felt silly wearing it then, since I was dying and about to find out what would happen to me and I was wearing a dress. It's a long story. Basically, I was on the roof because that's the only place that I can be alone, and the dress was because I was on a date right before then. I was pacing, because that's what I do when I'm thinking a lot, or I'm nervous, and after my date, I was both. Then I tripped. That's it. I bet you were hoping for some awesome, dramatic death, like a malfunctioning parachute while skydiving or something, but no, I just tripped.

After I stopped flashing back, I started pacing around the room, again, because I was nervous and thinking a lot. After what felt like years, they finally walked back in. My legs were shaking. I didn't know what to do. Eventually, Simon cleared his throat.

"Jennifer Marie Gold!" his voice boomed.

"I actually go by-" I started.

"SILENCE" Simon screamed. I quickly shut my mouth. "As I was saying, we have decided to-"

"PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME DIE," I freaked. I don't know why I did it, but I flipped out. I can't die. I have so much to live for.

"Jennifer!" Fred yelled at me. "Don't make us rethink our decision!" Depending on what the decision is, I might want them to rethink it.

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