Chapter 7- gOnE

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I was still a bit shaken as I walked away. Well, a bit is an understatement. I was holding back tears as I walked back to Harper.

I didn't need to say anything, she just reached over and gave me a hug as soon as I came over. "Let's go home, I think you've had enough." I nodded. I didn't dare say anything because I knew that I would burst into tears the second I tried to take a breath.

We made plans to meet at my house since we arrived separately but she wanted to be there just while I was upset. Kinda like when in movies and books the girl breaks up with her boyfriend, is an emotional wreck, then her best friend comes over with ice cream and tissues to cheer her up. But in this case, it wasn't a break up with a boyfriend, it was a breakup with myself.

After I got to my house, Harper and I went inside. I led her up to my room and I collapsed on my huge, fluffy bed. Harper looked around. "Dang, this is huge, I was cheated out," Harper managed a weak smile. I giggled a little because I knew she was just trying to lighten the mood.

I wrapped myself in a blanket for two reasons: one because I was freezing cold, and two because soft blankets always comfort me when I'm sad.

Harper sat down next to me. "Can I do anything?" she asked. I shook my head.

"It was just so hard to see them like that. I wanted to tell them that it was me and that I was okay, but I couldn't without dying, and then it wouldn't be okay, and I would never see them again," I sighed. " I just want to get everything back to normal."

Harper nodded. "I understand. The Council put me just a few blocks down from where my family lives, so I have to pass them all the time. They seem sadder now, and all I want to do it go up to them and hug them. but it does make it easier on me to know that they really would miss me if I was gone permanently. "

We both hugged. Even if you're not a hugging person, hugging makes it so much better to try to get through the tough times. You should try it, if you're ever feeling sad, go up and hug your friend (and hope they hug you back).


It won't be okay, a voice kept repeating in my head. It'll be okay, I told the voice.

I was walking down the street. It was only 2 am, but I had to do this.

I started walking faster. I decided to dress more like me while doing this. I was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans with Converse on.

My palms were sweating. I can do this, I thought.

I started running. I'm incredibly unfit, so I was sweating and running out of breath within 5 minutes, but I had to.

I didn't want to take my car. This was too important.

You're probably wondering what's going on. Well, that's definitely a long explanation.

Let's just say, I couldn't sleep.

I stopped right in front of the house. I walked up and my finger guided itself to the doorbell.

I could hear footsteps. I had woken the whole house up.

Finally, someone answered. "You? What are you doing here?" the woman asked. The rest of the family came running down.

"I need to explain something to all of you," I said.

They looked at me expectantly. "I just want you to know that... I'm actually Jen."

They stared at me. "I know it's hard to believe, but how can I convince you?"

"That's not funny."

"I don't mean it as a joke! Really, ask my anything only Jen would know."

"Okay, what's my middle name?"


Esther gaped at me. The rest of my family did too.

Yeah, that's what I was doing.

I couldn't take it, I had to tell them.

"If I were to believe you, which I don't, how are you Jen?" my mom asked.

"I was actually kinda reincarnated..." I explained. I told them the entire story of my second life, of the Council, of everything.

"You're crazy," my dad said.

I sighed. "Come on, ask me something hard, I can answer it!"

"Fine, what part did you play in the musical in 4th grade?" My mom asked.

"A tumbleweed. I cried about not getting the lead for 2 days."

"What was the last thing I said to you before you died?" My dad questioned.

"Don't go on the roof, it's old and dusty up there."

Eli looked up at me. "That's not really Jenny, is it?" he asked Esther.

"I think I believe her," Esther decided.

"Thank you," I smiled at her. "I just want you guys to know that I-"

And everything went black.


"Jennifer!" Bob's voice boomed. "We told you to never tell anyone!"

"I know," I said. "But you have to understand, I couldn't help myself, they're my family."

"We told you the consequences," Fred informed me.

"Did you?" I asked. "I don't remember you telling me any consequences."

Simon scowled. "The consequences were death in hell."


"But," Bob started.

"But nothing!" Simon yelled. "Rules are rules!"

"He's right, we told you not to tell anyone," Fred pointed out.

"Goodbye, Tiffany."

And I fell (something that I was quite familiar with).

Hell won't be that bad, right?


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