Chapter 2- The Willow Pape Mob

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        A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back with the next chapter, you can't get rid of my books that easily :)

        I woke up the next morning and was blinded by the sunlight flooding in through my window. I swung my feet over my bed, surprisingly cheerful, since I'm not exactly a morning person. At first, I looked around for a minute and freaked out because this wasn't my room, then I realized it wasn't a dream. After orienting my surroundings, I opened the door to my closet and looked through all my clothes. Wow, how many clothes are in here? I thought. Of course, along the floor there were shoes (and not a single pair of sneakers, I might add). There were boots, heels, things like that. 

        I needed clothes that made a good first impression to everyone at my new school. Unfortunately, I was probably going to have to wear a skirt to do that. Skirts are okay and all, but they weren't exactly my style, but hey, I was going to need a new style since I was basically becoming a new person. 

        In my last life, I was the nerd. I was among the people that loved to read and obsess over Doctor Who. I was kind of a "You break my Sonic Screwdriver, I break your neck" kind of person, and to complete the look, I had nerd glasses. But I had to change everything, I had to go from "geek to chic", as some people would say. I guess I had to say things like that to be stereotypical....

        I searched through my clothes to find something good enough to wear. After digging through my closet for half an hour, I finally found a good outfit. There was a red-orange top and a long pink skirt, that I personally thought looked awesome together. I grabbed a random purse, earrings and bracelet from a jewelry box inside my closet, then pulled on some high heels (A/N: Picture on the side). After I got changed, I went to the mirror to see how it looked. I had kinda forgotten that I had a different face, and hair, and pretty much everything. Basically, I freaked out. I thought that someone was behind me, and then I realized that I was looking at me, not a crazy axe murderer. Whoops.

        After finding my way through the maze of hallways, stairways, and rooms (also called my house... I probably should've laid down bread crumbs or something), I found a backpack near the front door. I picked up the Post-It Note on it.


      Here's a backpack full of school supplies, and everything else you'll need. It includes you books, schedule, other miscellaneous school supplies.

        ~The Council

        Oh, boy. A present of school stuff. It must be my birthday.

        I shoved my phone in my pocket, grabbed the backpack, and found my car (Big surprise: it was a pink sports car). The Council was right; the school was in walking distance so it took less than 2 minutes to drive there, but apparently I couldn't walk to school in my 4-inch heels. Whatever, I was too lazy to walk anyways.

        I pulled up at the school and looked around. It was an average-sized school, with regular people. Well, regular people, except for one group of people that basically defined the word popularity. They all had long, blonde hair, tan skin, and they were all wearing the same thing, which was frilly white T-shirts and pink skirts (it looked like a mob of Willow Pape), and they were all wearing sunglasses (probably designer sunglasses, if there was such a thing) and enormous amounts of red lipstick. I wanted to gag myself upon seeing them, then I wanted to cut my head off after I realized that I was going to have to join that group, and act/look like they do.

        I parked my car and stepped out. I tried doing a dramatic moment like they do in all the movies, but I forgot I was wearing heels, so I almost tripped while stepping out of my car. Luckily, no one saw that. It took a little bit of time to get used to my shoes, but eventually I was able to walk to the doors without tripping on my face. I walked in the door and down the halls. People started staring at me and whispering to each other. I heard a few things they said, like new girl, and one of them? and who does she think she is?, and all of that stuff. To emphasize whatever point I was making, I did a dramatic hair flip. Heck yeah, I thought, celebrating inside.But eventually, it got really embarrassing when I realized I had no idea where I was going. I pulled a paper out of my backpack that the Council gave me to check my schedule. First, I had math, but before that, I should probably find my locker. I checked my locker number on the piece of paper. 1234. How ironic. I turned down a hall and found my locker, then dumped my stuff into it. I got to the math room and sat down. This is the part where in normal books and movies, the "Queen of the School" would come up and demand that it was her seat and that I should get up, but luckily that didn't happen, since I would probably have barfed on the spot, and I don't think that I would've been able to gain popularity with that reputation.

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