Chapter 29: Darker

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This is the last chapter of "Conan The Dandelion"

But there is a book 2 to the series so it isn't the complete end!!! ;) Book 2 of Conan The dandelion, which is called "Darker Parker" is only available on Patreon. It will not be posted on Wattpad.

Happy New Years In Advance ❤

I'll be taking a short break from Wattpad in 2021. Thanks for understanding! Take care of yourselves and stay safe, Homies. Sending you all my love💘

Yours truly,



Conan the Dandelion is available as a paperback! You can buy a physical copy on Amazon. It ships worldwide. The link is at the bottom of my Wattpad bio ><

 The link is at the bottom of my Wattpad bio ><

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Everything was going so well. Everything was going so nicely. But I often forgot that life wasn't fair. I often forgot how life was cruel, that life owed us no debts and spared no guilt.

Perhaps the light I saw in your eyes and the hope I saw distracted me from reality. Though, I didn't regret a second of the illusion, even if it hurt. The only regret I had was not being enough for you, Parker.

You had your own problems, your own traumas, your own haunting past and tainted future; but you always took care of me first. You do so much for me, and I'm sorry I couldn't do the same. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

No matter how hard one tries, fate already has our futures written in the stars, and for us to try and rearrange the comets would be as ridiculous as men trying to play God. But if mankind was born so powerless, why did the Superior Beings not spare us?

If the world was infinitely large, and humans miserably small, why were we doomed to live miserably? It was a layer of misery over another, except one wasn't necessary.

Parker calls me Dandelion. He loves the nickname, and so do I, but the reason behind its roots is a sad one. He said he was afraid if he looked away from me for even a second, the wind would take me away and turn me into a million particles that he'd never be able to grasp again.

Little did he know, little did I know, I would be the one to watch Parker drift away.

Yours Truly


A few months had passed. It was no longer winter, and the sun was out and shining, but it was strangely cold that day. A chill ran down my spine.

I was alone when my phone rang. When it did, I knew.

My throat was painfully dry and my hands were abnormally clammy. My heart raced and my stomach twisted, and my limbs felt weak. I tried to prepare myself during the few seconds I had, but how does one prepare themselves for a tragedy? You simply couldn't.

I mustered up the courage and answered the phone, bringing it to my ear.

"Hello?" The word burned my throat.

"Conan," blurted the frantic voice. My stomach twisted. "Parker, he-" a gut wrenching sob followed.

My heart stopped.

And I knew, I knew, I knew.


Date/time/place you finished the book?

What was your favorite thing about "Conan The Dandelion?" Who were your favorite characters? I'd love to know 💘

Author's Note:

This is the last chapter of book 1!
Yes, it ends on a cliffhanger, which as you may know, is kind of my guilty specialty.

Just a heads up, book 2 is going to be very emotionally painful. The uncut version of CTD and book 2 will not be posted on Wattpad. They are only available on my Patreon.

When writing this book, the story gave me a "tragic/happy/sad" feeling. Idk how to explain it. The only words that fit is a "happy tragedy."

There is something so pure about Conan, yet so sad. Even though we know little about his life before the Big City, just like the last sentence of book 1, you know. You just do. There's no other way to describe the feeling.

I loved writing this book so much. I grew so attached to the characters, and I can't wait to write book 2, but I'm also quite scared. We will see much more of Conan's life. Many hidden things will be explained and discovered too.

Conan The Dandelion (Boyxboy) ✔Where stories live. Discover now